Hello all!
Yes... It's me again! And this time I have an even dumber post than Miro Klose with no teeth!
See how well you know our Die Mannschaft boys and take the most pointless quiz in history!
Guess "Die Fuβballspieler"!
So - as I meantioned before, this is a really stupid quiz I made because I was bored.
The aim of the game is to look at the pictures below, and guess who it is in the picture just by looking at one part of them.
Then - in the comments - you number the pictures (from the top down) and say who you think it is for each picture.
Example of what I will say:
Example of what YOU will say:
Picture 1: potato
Picture 2: Onion
Picture 3: garlic
Getting the idea? Sorry if the concept isn't very clear!
So - lets get started! My apologies for the fact that the pictures are very small - I've had to crop sections out of bigger pictures
Also, some people have been featured twice in this, and there are some old players (not very old, though) who don't play for Die Mannschft anymore.
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Picture 3:
Picture 4 (ok so maybe this ones kinda obvious!):
Picture 5:
Picture 6:
Picture 7:
Picture 8:
Picture 9:
Picture 10:
Picture 11:
Picture 12 (this ones a bit bigger than the rest because i cropped it out of a bigger photo):
Picture 13:
Picture 14:
Picture 15:
Picture 16 (the number of the picture helps! ---- If it isn't obvious enough already):
Picture 17 - I'll throw this one in just because I can! :)
Sooo....... that's all!
Please follow the instructions I mentioned earlier in the post and guess who these eyes (and mouth) belong to!