so last week was one i'd rather not cover anymore.
i rose, i fell, over and over again. tried a mood enhancing tablet or two, took a sleeping pill or so, and stil lcan't find the balance i used to have.
things keep coming up and then falling down in my face.
mum - not this week.
cuddles - only wishing, getting nothing but emptiness.
hopes - held high and built up, only to be dashed and thrown to the floor.
made a new friend, thats a good thing. still can't find my balance and i miss it. my moods miss it. my happiness misses it.
been youtubing myself a fair bit. got a few things on now, covers and originals.
i keep avoiding people now. just can't pull myself up and can't pretend i'm alright anymore. i'm not a high school idiot anymore who can pretend to smile when i'm depressed.
it's nothing shocking i know, i just haven't been this low for a good few months, so it's hitting kinda hard enough.
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