May 03, 2008 23:05
from the last couple of days
lunch time thursday -
"BUSY! and such kindness to an old lady for helping a strnager pick up tennis balls and being so kind.
One lady paid for another lady's table, completely randomly without telling the elderly lady, just because she stopped and helped her pick up tennis balls."
I felt so much faith in human kindness that day. Too bad I bring myself back to my senses.
we made $550 that lunch, not much when you think about what we make at dinner time, but when you tihnk of it like this - each person spends on average $14 each at lunch, it is a fair amount of people for one waitress and the kitchen staff in two hrs.
Thursday night-
"I popped a cork like in the movies!
It slipped right through my fingers, flew up to the roof and came crashing back down to the ground, you know where it landed? the rubbish bin! haha it was just so perfect, too bad I didn't shake the champagne up and have it spurting out of the neck of the bottle, haha that'd be soo funny... messy though... One day..."
Friday Night -
"Just cause i impulsively bought a new desktop computer online, the world is paying me back with a DEADLY QUIET friday night."
Tonight -
There's a lot of things that happen at work that I don't talk about because it reminds me of bad times in my past.
Like the other week, a couple came in, and i offered the wine list, the man said "no thank you, I am celebrating my 25th yr of being sober and dry"
i nearly cried. instead i congratulated him, and we started talking about my mum, and he was so sweet, most ppl i've met are still trying to get sober and stay that way, so they use all sorts of excuses to make all their set backs everyone else's fault, and they say "you need to do more for your mum," or "you should do this" "you made her do that"
not many people actually look back and say "hey, you must have had it really hard when you lived with her and her problem, she is very lucky to have you still waiting and supporting her in any way at all..."
but he did. and he made me feel so great, just thinking about it now makes me teary.
Cause it was hard, i was the mum to my little sister, i was the mum to myself, i was the rock, the wall that protected my sister from everything my mum had, when we were yelling at each other, rikki would be hiding behind me if she couldnt run to MY bedroom.
he just made me feel so great...
anyway, back to tonight, this couple came in and the man bowed at me, chinese style, and straight away i was like "oh oh"
anyway when i tried to offer them the winelist he refused, i can't remember what he said but it certainly reminded me of someone who was trying not to drink, which i know is a good thing, but, the whole night, i felt creepy under his watch. he reminded me so much of a lot of mum's friends, and well, mum actually hasn't got many good ones. i can count like, 2... and it really made me feel uncomfortable, so i told helen, and avoided the table.
i don't do that unless i'm really unnerved (like those guys that time who kept starring at my chest and then left vomit everywhere gross! we're not a fkn bar!)
ohwell, they didn't stay long.
thank god.
anyway, still havent done the essay that was due yesterday. going to have a shower and hopefully feel refreshed enough to start it. i figure if i hand it in monday it'll only be a day late, i should still get a pass... right? lol
thats all i aim for.