1. Name: Shea (Shay)
2. Age: 17
3. Birth date: December 6th
4. Location: Minnesota
5. Five Adjectives to Describe Yourself: Charming, show-stopping, quirky, enthusiastic, a loony.
6. Interests: Acting, reading, writing, singing, RPing.
7. Talents: Acting, writing, RPing, singing.
8. Have you read the comics and/or watched the movies? Watched the movies? Oh, yes. The comics are in the mail-ish. Which is quite exciting considering how I'm a bit of a comic book whore.
9. Have your read any of the books that the characters were taken from (however roughly)? Yep. Let me look at the list of the characters and I'll tell ye. Yes, I have. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Reallyreallysexy Hyde, Dracula, You mention Dodger so I think it's fair to say I've read Oliver Twist. I know Sherlock Holmes, but don't think I've actually read any of the books- just one of the plays and seen the Wishbone and am terribly familiar with Tom Sawyer etc. because I've seen that play a million and a half times.
10. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)
a. Power?: I like power. Power is nice. I tend to try not to abuse it and as a result never really use it.
b. Pain?: Pain... hurts. Wow, state the obvious. I don't like it, but I deal with it in different ways.
c. Love?: I like love. It hurts like pain, yes, but it's a good thing in the end. It's quite addicting to know a guy likes you, and everything is always better when you're in love.
d. Death?: Is scary. But it's a natural part of life. Fascinating, but scary.
e. Science?: Is necessary. I don't like the school subject much, but it's quite snazzy.
f. Stress?: I hate it. But, yet, I live in it. Without stress, I don't really have the drive to do anything. So, stress is good?
g. Leadership?: Like that. I can do it, but I also follow rather well.
h. Government?: Deeepends... Somedays I'm like, "YAY! THE GOVERNMENT IS A GOOD THING!" Other days I think anarchy may be the best answer.
i. People in general?: I like people. Most days. They're fascinating. And very, very strange.
11. General Favorites (and why)
a. Book(s): I have a million and a half. Oliver Twist, brilliant characters, brilliant story, lots of fun to be had, Les Miserables, which has brilliant characters again, lots of coincidences and a kick-ass soundtrack, Um... too lazy to list more.
b. Movie(s): American Beauty because it's amazing. No other word to describe it. Amazing.
c. Music: Showtunes! Am I a huge dork? Yes. But it's fun. My iPod will go from Sweeney Todd to Legally Blonde in .5 seconds and I won't even miss a beat. I also love, whatsitcalled? Chamber rock? Like Emilie Autumn and Rasputina.
d. Historical Period(s): Victorian era. I really belong there, I swear. I'm kinda addicted.
e. Myth(s): Orpheus and Eurydice. Because reality sucks like that, seriously.
f. Quote(s): Oh dear. If I gave you those we'd be here all night.
"Beauty is power, a smile it's sword" is one that sticks out for me right now. Twas my grandmother's senior quote. And I like it.
12. Would you like to be stamped as a character from the comics, the movie, or both? I'll take both, I suppose.
13. Anything else? Um... no?
14. Picture(s) of yourself
I am currently in love with that picture, regardless of how not-flattering it is. I just want to know whose brilliant idea it was to give Pippin Took the Ring of Power and an apple. Or, better yet, who let me dress up for Fantasy Book Character day for the Spirit Week fashion show.
I am... not the blonde. This was for my Harry Potter party I had on the 21st of August.
Yaaaay rock wall.
...That was fun. And quelled my boredom for a while.