Oct 19, 2005 13:19
I haven't updated in a little bit...
I went home on friday cause kyle and emily were going so i went too. Got home and left like 10 minutes later w/ my sister to go to the game to help her out w/ parents night. Rachel met me at the game w/ chris and dante so it was good seeing them again. After the game, rachel, amelia and i drove around for a bit and then went to national. Afterwards, rach went home and amelia and i watched love actually. Saturday mario picked me up and took me to starbucks! We were there for like an hour. Later, amelia and i went to meijer and then i got ready and saw in her shoes w/ gina, anna, kiya, sarah b., gracie and ana. The movie was absolutely amazing!!! So cute!!! Sunday got my stuff together and headed back up to state. My mom and i ran some errands got dinner. Then I watched desperate housewives.
Monday I had serenades at the house which was really funny. Same with yesterday. Went to lunch and dinner w/ baylee yesterday too. I got a 3.2 on my last two exams in my wra. And I have serenades and dance tonight. I'm going to the cider mill tomorrow w/ girls from the house and then we're having something w/ the pledges and seniors of the house so i'm excited. Football game this weekend and my rents will be up so that'll be fun. I know Gina wanted to come up but i'm not sure she will.... who knows though :)
Watching friends and doing my homework.