Jun 01, 2006 10:36

You know what makes being rejected sting more?

When the person doing the rejecting totally gave you a cold and you have to suffer through it while trying to nurse your battered ego.

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_touched June 1 2006, 19:37:02 UTC
Dude, then I would find a mother frelling hammer and render them unconcious. Heh.


lodessa June 1 2006, 20:49:21 UTC
It is tempting... very tempting. But then he's so apologetic and adorable that it's hard to carry out.


novin_ha June 1 2006, 21:20:48 UTC
Addison icon ♥!

(is on 2x14)


lodessa June 1 2006, 21:26:36 UTC
I liked my old one but it always seemed like it might come off as anti addison which I so am not because she is beautiful and smart and awesome


_touched June 2 2006, 02:30:51 UTC
Which one is it, adorable or frustrated with him?!?!

Heh. :)


lodessa June 2 2006, 19:57:28 UTC
Both. Lol.


_touched June 3 2006, 03:42:47 UTC
LOL. Good lord, then I don't know how to help ya. You're glutton friend, glutton.


lodessa June 5 2006, 15:52:43 UTC
As Captain Tightpants once said when asked what his sin was... I'm a fan of all seven.


_touched June 5 2006, 18:32:58 UTC
Apparently so am I...lately. *winks*


lodessa June 5 2006, 18:38:23 UTC
As am I.

I spent so long not being able to think of one of them (sloth) while lying around not doing anything.

I need to finish my ficathons so I can write my seven deadly sins weevil fics


_touched June 5 2006, 18:55:25 UTC
Ugh your icon is like love. Hee.

Ew, I know what you mean I've been doing nothing except being lazy lately. I should be out looking for a job, but I took a little time off. Does that make me horrible, because I felt like I needed it. Now I feel like I need to get back on the ball and get to work again. Heh.

Ooh and I need for you to read my Kanecest and try and help figure out how to write in second person pov in a way that won't dis-interest the readers or help me convert it either to first pov or third pov. I tried to do third and it just didn't feel right. But someone else told me that my Lilly was spot on, but I need help with my Duncan. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp, friend, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!


_touched June 5 2006, 18:57:07 UTC
And ooooooooooooooh Weevil seven deadly sins fic...yay, can't wait to read.


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