On my latest poll... which not so very many people have taken. I have gotten 2 write in votes for me to write Logan/Veronica. This makes me wonder if some of my lj friends even read my journal. Anyone who has been here more than 5 minutes should know that I boycott even reading Veronica/Logan fic. It's not because I hate the pairing in canon, I totally enjoyed the latter part of season 1 as much as anyone, but because fandom is totally monomaniac about it. There are days in the
vm_navigator where literally every fic linked is Logan/Veronica... and that's not because the editors are biased but because that's what's posted. Dear Fandom, GET OVER IT. Or it not, at least could you respect my choice to strike? There are a ton of great characters on Veronica Mars... and I am glad to see that recently there's been more Logan/Weevil (my OTP) and Veronica/Weevil (my guilty pleasure) out there. Yes fandom, there are other characters than Logan and Veronica. Yesterday I posted Veronica/Clarence Wiedman and a few people even read it (although most of my commenters did so anonymously because I guess it was a secret shame to like it?). I know fandoms are always dumb, each one in thier own special way in addition to general patterns, but this is my soapbox and honestly fandom you have killed Logan/Veronica. Good job. Also: LoVe...little ship names are always bad and yours makes me want to throw up.