Title: Doctoring the Results Fandom: Doctor Who Pairing: Donna/Martha Rating: PG Word Count: 2,159 Spoilers: Through the Season 4 Finale Author: lodessa Author's Notes:: Written for vanitashaze for the dw_femslash ficathon. Apologies for the lateness.
This came out great! I especially love how it picks up speed and whoosh -- Donna's totally the Doctor-Donna. Her dialogue is really good too. ALSO YAY END.
Thanks. I wasn't sure how to do the transition... but once the Doctor-Donna showed up there was no way of slowing things down. Because her brain moves too quickly.
Also was totally stressed about her dialogue because it is so distinctive and what with the never having written her before.
Comments 6
Also was totally stressed about her dialogue because it is so distinctive and what with the never having written her before.
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