(no subject)

Jul 19, 2005 09:11

this morning started off really cute...not guna get into details but whatever.  Last night, i talked to alex for a really long time, and like..i never stopped laughing.  first thing he says SALAD!!! dont worry if u dont get it...you probably wont...wow mike D...

anyways, lots of talk of happy days and richard cunningham, and how alex is fonz...loooong story...but really entertaining.  darrell comes home from state today :) and were guna hang out, hopefully go to alex's and go tubing since he doesnt hafta work today...

umm, yeah i guess this was a pointless entry. so sorry for taking up space on your friends page...

oh yeah, i ACTUALLY semi-enjoyed guard last night...dont know why...but i actually did...wierd i know.  it was probably just cuz i played in the rain with julie brianna and jackie...and then jackie and i tried to break into the pool after to go swimming but some guy caught us...*shrugs* maybe next time.

have a swell day. its beautiful outside!

A- age you got your first kiss~ dont remember
B- band your listening to right now~ Mike jonesssssss
C-crush~ starts with a "D" and ends with an "ARRELL" 
D-dad's name~ John
E-easiest person(s) to talk to~ Jackie and darrell
F-favorite bands at the moment~ Queen --always!!!
G-gummy bears or gummy worms~ Worms
H-hometown~ Was BBurg new jersey, but now LO
I- instruments~ Oboe
J-junior high~ Waldon MS
K-kids~ NO WAY!
L-longest car ride ever~ back home to new jersey...13.5 hours
M-mom's name~ Natalie
N-nicknames~ Christina, Tina, X-tina, Sex-Tina(<- e-rupp**)
O-one wish~ cant make just one
P-phobia's~ the dark, snakes, spiders, and horses
Q-quote~ "Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to"
R-reason to smile~ Friends, sometimes family
S-song you sang last~ Genesis-Invisible Touch, with darrell haha
T-time you woke up today~ 8:46, darrell sent me a txt message and it woke me up
U-unkown fact about me~ I ran my dad over with a car when i was 5 years old.  it was a GMC Sonoma Pick-Up Truck
V-vegtable you hate~ Artichokes
W-worst habit~ picking at my nails
X-x-rays you've had done~ Mouth, back, both arms, both hands, left leg, right ankle, and my jaw and nose 
Y-yummy food~ Mac and Cheeeeese
Z-zodiac sign~ Picies
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