The new family is moved in....settling has begun. There's likely to be a slight delay in interweb connectivity expect some silence from the household.... I'm posting from work right now.
Yup work. Still have a killer sore throat and a desire to curl into a ball and sleep, but I'm at work. Thank ghods for Ibuprofen and Tylenol. WHY you ask? Cause my supervisor guilted me on Wed!!! And now I'm here. Trying to find a kid on my caseload who appears to be AWOL and a 14 yr old girl from a file I closed (in the summertime) who also appears to be AWOL..... Will be attending with Police on that one this afternoon.....
This weekend, I'm headed first to my mom's to deliver my kidlet for a visit, than off to Belleville for a visit with
shadoridr help read some paperwork he's dealing with, and generally get some F2F time...then collect kidlet and go home..
Sunday evening will see the first of the "household" meetings.
Mon & Tues see me in Brantford for Forensics Training, and catching up with clients in the evenings (yup..planning on doing some O/T to catch up from this hell-cold) ... so I don't in trouble in Supervision on Wednesday.
I'm tired of being tired, and sore... and behind at work. Have to find time for some blood work to be done (FULL WORK UP's been a while...) Looking forward to these meds actually resolving the sore throat so that it's GONE. I'm alternating between Hot and Cold stuffs to keep me going.
gah....time to head out.