Feeling Better

Aug 12, 2007 19:15

After starting the day with a migraine (from actually HAVING blood flow to my brain for almost 15 hours and it now trying to constrict again!!) I'm feeling much much better.

Had an "interesting" time at the GIG and a discussion with the.....hrm....minister I guess you'd call him... that was apropros for me right now.
Lovely lunch with trinshadow and family and then they came to help me clean my house.

Company and help is a lovely thing. I found my floor, K's floor and got the upstairs all vacuumed pretty. I got the stuff I wanted out of the bookcase out, and got my other "dresser" folded and organized. What passes for an alter for me these days, got shifted as well.

The ...hrm...what am I calling him.....the "hubby in law??" ... emptied the dishwasher for me...and dishes got done. trinshadow (the new wife) ...taught me a domestic goddess trick for Mirrors that I can't wait to see in action....and she was more than willing to try to help with the migraine by launching a few good slashes at my shoulders!!!

oh...and *wefightfortarts* helped me vacume the stairs... He was very charming and helpful....though chasing the cats is NOT a good thing...

Hrms...I guess when all is said and done, I have a cleaner home, less of a headache, more idea of how this co-habitating thing is gonna work (since talk was consistent throughout), and a free, quiet evening ahead of me.

perhaps I'll move forward on the research into "Tantric Sex"

chosen family, house, polyamoury

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