This just looks like something YOU would do.
Insanely detailed papercraft AT-ATs to download
These downloadable PDFs for a papercraft AT-AT model are insanelydetailed and amazing. One thing I never understood about the AT-ATs: ifthey've got AT-ATs, why do they need the Death Star? After all, theAT-ATs make it clear that when the Empire finds the Rebels, they canhandily kick their asses. A Death Star is like a giant, inaccurate,indiscriminate AT-AT. The Empire doesn't have a firepower problem: theEmpire has an intelligence problem. It can't locatethe Rebels. The Death Star won't improve their intelligence-gathering.Using the Death Star to kill Rebels is like nuking Iraq.
Update: Dave sez, "The same site has
a bunch more papercraft patterns to download including a sweet looking Delorean."