
Jul 26, 2012 12:30

Let me promise this one thing. IF and only if I could still stay at my college after what happen, I promise you with all my battered heart and body to open up a request and write requested fics of whatever plot and storyline that you guys want. This is a promise.

It's just that I'm really sad with how things turn out. Just because of one silly mistake, I'm on the verge of getting kicked out of my college and apparently my housemate blab about it in the office. The reason that I haven't write anything in a while is because I'm becoming active in college. I joined sports, went out for camping trips and listen to boring talks. All because that I want to stay in the college. A-And, now, I'm about to get banned from the college because I re-wired the fan. Really?! Like seriously?!

I understand that getting a place in college is difficult, but please please CONSIDER. Right now, I feel helpless. I don't know what to do any longer. I call and call but no one answering! You can fined me. Make me pay a few hundreds. But... to take away my place in the college. T-That is just...cruel.

So guys, thank you for reading/listening me rant. Like I said earlier, if things get better, I'll open up a request. And actually write it. Of any pairing that you like. Of multichapter or one-shots or even drabble!

Right now..I'm just hoping for miracle.

Thank you for reading. You guys don't know how much it means to me.

life, rant

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