(no subject)

Sep 22, 2006 15:18


El Jay.

I haven’t updated this thing in forever.

I don’t even remember what to do.


Since I last updated…
months ago...

I got my driver’s license…
And a PT Cruiser which Shane has lovingly nick named the Funk mobile.
I like that name.
It works.
seeing as how pretty much everything is listen to is like 70’s disco and funk music.

I got into like the biggest trouble of my life for something that's retarded. Which resulted in my mom saying i'm not allowed to go homecoming... yeah that's real cool.

I'm grounded. Which hardcore sucks. I hate being in a cage.

I'm eating nacho's right now.

Happy birthday denae. i love you.

You will get a birthday entry.

There are jalapeno's on my nacho's.

um… what else?
I love school. How nerdy is that? I’m taking first hour and third hour classes at kettering. I’m still doing otc too. And I loooove it. I hate homeschooling… like with a fiery burning passion.

Ok so now to something that annoys me.

I don’t care whether you like our president or not, I personally believe that you need to respect him. It’s disgusting how much America disrespects our nations leader. Other country’s must laugh in our face. Why should they respect us, when we can’t even respect our own leader that we voted for and chose ourselves?! I was watching tv last night, and over the course of an hour, I couldn’t find a show that didn’t start mocking our president. Jay Leno, Carlos Mencia, Jon Stewart. It’s sick. So lets take a look at the men who sit there and constantly call our president stupid. George W. Bush has a bachelors degree from Yale, and a masters degree from Harvard, two of the most famous, prestigious colleges in America. He served in the National Guard, He was governor in Texas, and was the first governor of Texas ever to be re-elected. He was elected president of the United States not once, but twice. Does that sound like a stupid person to you? Alright, Jay Leno… lets see.. To his credit he has a bachelors degree. Yeah, and aside from that his previous jobs include working in a strip bar. Jon Stewart? He also has a bachelors degree. Know what he was doing while he got it? He admits to being a drug addict. There’s a model citizen. I will be sure to listen to everything he tells me. Carlos Mencia? Well, he went to college, but he quit before he graduated.

So I love that they sit there and call somebody stupid who is far more educated than they ever will be.

I didn’t especially love Bill Clinton, but I didn’t sit there and trash him. He was my president, my leader, and for that I feel like I owed him my respect.

Whoooooo. So now that I’m done with that one…..

Wow that was kinda random… just something I’ve been thinking about.

Um. Also. I would like a bunny. And it’s denae’s birthday.

I was going to get her a chicken.

but i didn't.

You can’t even imagine.

I love you guys.
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