(no subject)

Jul 09, 2006 21:13

[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend/ fiancee/ husband/ wife.
[x] You have your own room.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[x]You have an ipod/ mp3 player.
[x] Your parents are still married.
[x] You have more than 2 best friends.
[ ]There is a swimming pool in your backyard.
T 0 T A L: 5

[x] You dress how you want to.
[x] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[ ]You have never been beaten up
[ x (except in jamaica, and that doesnt count.)] You never cry more than twice a month.
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[x ] Your room is big enough for you.
[x] People don't use you for something you have.
[x] You have been to a concert.
T 0 T A L: 7

[x] You have over 50 friends on myspace
[x] You have pictures on myspace.
[x] Your parents let you have a myspace
[x] You get money when you need it
[x] You collect something normal.
[x] People don't make fun of you to be mean.
[x ] You look foward to going to school.
[x] You don't wish you were someone else.
[ ] You play a sport.
[x] You do something after school.
T 0 T A L: 7

[] You own a car.
[x] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[x] You are happy with your appearance
[x] You aren't self-consious at all
[x] You have never got a failing grade in your life
[x] You have friends
T 0 T A L:5

[x] you know what is going on in the world.
[x] You care about so many people.
[x ] you are happy with your life
[x] you usually aren't sick.
[ ] you know more then one language
[x] you have a screen name.
[x fish?] You have an animal companion
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[ ] You dont have any enemies
[x] you are a generally nice person
T O T A L: 8

Now count your numbers and multiply by three.

Then title this " MY LIFE IS % HAPPY

i was 96% happy.

Since Summer started..

1. Have you had more than 5 different boyfriends/girlfriends?
no... and anyone who has is a P L A Y A

2. Have you had your birthday?
nope, it was in april.

3. Been to church?
yeah.. i practically live there..

4. Cried yet?

5. Did someone close to you pass away?
nooo... right before summer started actually.

6. Stayed up all night?

7. Drank starbucks?

8. Went shopping?

9. Been camping?
eww. no.

10. Been to the beach?
no. how depressing is that?

11. Bought something for over $200?
no, but i spent like my whole paycheck in one day.. does that count?

12. Met someone new?
yes.. maybe.. not exactly new.. but kinda

13. Been out of state?
i'm out of state right now?

14. Gone Snowboarding?
who goes snowboarding in summer?

15. Kissed someone?
my baby sister... but not like that... lol

16. Slept in someone elses bed?
oh yes.

17. Snuck someone over?
not yet..

18. Snuck out of your own house?

20. Lied?
i dont think so..

21. Gotten a car?

22. Gone over your cell phone bill?
yes.. how terrible..

23. Been called a tease?

24. Drove to somewhere?

25. Done something you regret?
i dont believe so.

Last Thing you bought?
a plaid shirt

Last Person you hugged?

Last Person to call you?

Last time you took a bath?
i dont even remember.
i dont have time for baths.
i always take showers.

When was the last time you felt stupid?
um. i dont know?

Who was the last person who saw you cry?
anybody at my grandma's funeral.

Who was the last person who made you cry?
um. the death angel?

Who was the last person who you watched a movie with?
um, Ryan, Russell, mr. Ford... we watched the sixth sense...
great movie..
deff in my top three.

Who was the last person you danced with?

Who makes you smile most?
my kids at daycamp.

What did you do today?
go to church...play risk... eat...play risk... that brings me up to now.

Song that's stuck in your head right now?
the pirates music.
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