I'm baaaaack!

Jun 27, 2006 21:07

Well, I haven't been here in about... two years (argh!) apart from to comment on very important things, but I have been persuaded to return. (We'll see how long it'll last, though.) So... yeah. Heyy, everyone! Mwahaha, I'm back to wittering about random crap that nobody wants to hear about, but you'll have to listen, coz you can't stop me! Hahahaha! (Okay, you could just not read this, but shut up. I don't care. I like the idea of having power.) And yay for overusing italics! (I just can't get used to these tags, though.)
Right, onto more important stuff. I'm meant to be starting my psychology coursework, on memory (but I'm not telling you what I'm doing coz I might need you to experiment on. Hahahaha), but it's toohardandIcan'tbebotheredandImightnotevenbedoingpsychologytherenextyearanywaysowhat'sthepoint? *coughs* That were fun. Rant over. Yeah, it's annoying. I don't like Sandringham, but I don't think the teaching's that good at Beaumont (though the Sandringham teacher's going off on maternity leave anyway, so there's not much point in me staying there) and it's too confusing... gaaaargh. (Oooh, new word.)
There's this random university day tomorrow, and we've got to make our own way there (which I think is stupid) and I'm scareed! I don't know the way. Ah vell, I'll hopefully be going with other peoples.
Eh... not much else. That turned into a rant, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to! That were fun though, I think I might just get re-addicted (not that I was addicted in the first place, but whatever)...
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