May 30, 2005 23:01
How are ya'll?
I'm on the old computer....our wireless router broke down and had to be sent in to be that means I can't go online on my laptop...which sucks b/c we all actually have to share this computer :( haha
Summer School is about to start this Monday (June 6th), I am taking Math 101 and Intro to Criminal Justice...wish me luck and hope I get a high GPA from it! It'll last me til July 25th :( :( at least theres Fridays off!! :):)
I hope this summer will be a fun one! Drama free OFC! :)
I see that Livejournal is not as popular? I wonder if its because the new popularity of ? Of course its not a "personal thoughts journal" site but still...all the "cool" college kids are on it! haha
Catch ya'll later!