Nov 14, 2004 16:10
Whats up my peeps?
Just felt like updating today so I can avoid studyin some more for BSAT 206 ;)
My weekend was good, went to the game with Leah....we lost. Went out to Cowboys it was okay, I did make some new friends. I slept at Leahs' house that night. It was nice to be away from home for more than 24 hours ;) hehe (Thanks Leah!!!)
Two more weeks til classes are over, then its final time! I'm doing good so far Sociology (A) Tennis (A), but I want better grades in Econ (C) and BSAT (B), all others are good expect Math...yep...MATH... I'm not even going there b/c it pisses me off ;)
I think I will attain my highest gpa this semester compared to what I had throughout my time at GO BEN!
I cannot....W A I T until its Book Buyback time (Dec 6th) Thats a good $100 bucks right there!
I found out the next semester won't start til Jan 10 or something so thats like over a month of break!
Don't know what I will do all Christmas Break? Maybe find a job to make extra $$? maybe some girls? hmm... that would be great! haha
Ok thats my update of the weekend!
Peace out!
Oh...FYI, I am goin to make this LJ friends ONLY after this post so better add me if you want to read on in my stuff ;)