Because there's only so many hours one can spend online madly going "OMG EARTHQUAKE" at everyone.
Pinkamena Diane Pie, aka Pinkie, from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
locointhecoco- Is a teacher
- Is teaching The Elements of Friendship
- Is an earth pony (and thus not a pegasus or a unicorn)
- Grew up on a rock farm
- Is the best party planning pony in all of Ponyville, perhaps all of Equestria
- You can tell by the trio of balloons on her ass flank
- Likes ice skating
- Also, trampolines
- And cupcakes
- Has a pet toothless baby alligator named Gummy
- Is so random
- Is subject to cartoon physics
- And possibly made of dark matter
- Will break into song at the drop of a hat
- Can reliably predict the future based on various involuntary bodily twitches and ticks
- I'm not making any of this up.
Her initial, and thus much more detailed info post is
here Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13
notmyownage- Is a student
- Is about to start her senior year
- Spends many weekends up in the badlands of South Dakota, doing inventory on a giant warehouse full of madcap artifacts
- Lives in room 307 with Quinn
- Does not yet sing Pixies while playing accoustic guitar
- Is a genius
- And a rather successful amateur physicist and mechanic
- No, really, she can build a holographic projector out of an old camera in the matter of, like, an hour
- Has rather pointy teeth, thanks to being temporarily transformed into a horrifying Lovecraftian monster
- Does not yet have icons to reflect this, and as such, spends much of her time with her hand over her mouth
- Is bisexual
- Is currently not quite to the end of the first season of W13 in her canon catching up
Sam Puckett from iCarly
hurtingzeebo- Is a student
- Is about to start her junior year
- Lives in room 402 with Goose
- Cohosts a madly successful (in her world) webshow with her best friend Carly back in Seattle, with camera work, editing, and other technical assistance provided by Freddie, randomspanish
- Likes meat
- Was born on a bus
- Is a rather successful trapper
- Can tap dance
- Possibly has power tools in her purse
- Probably has ribs in there, too.
- Of multiple varieties
- Carries emergency fried chicken, too
- Did I mention she likes meat?
- Is terribly uncouth
- Will likely make fun of you/throw things at you, with OOC permission
- Can be very nice when she wants something, though
- Sometimes becomes a honey badger
- Who don't care
- Has bitten a gremlin
- Has an identical twin sister
- And Jane Lynch for a mother
- Is the evil twin
In-game iCarly broadcasts happen every Friday (though are occasionally handwaved due to availability or braindeadness), typically in the First Floor Rec Room of the dorms, but could happen in town if townies or teachers want in on the action. Further information for that lives
here Vincent from Eureka
gastronomistic- Is a townie
- Runs Cafe Luke's, the eatery formerly known as Luke's Diner
- Opens Luke's on Mondays, currently
- Has a PhD in molecular gastronomy
- Can cook anything, as long as he has a supplier for it
- Seriously, his freezer is powered by a very contained nuclear reactor
- Which totally will never, ever cause problems, we swear
- Is just glad to be living somewhere that doesn't almost blow up every week
- Even if it does mean sometimes he's a pony
- And that his friend the Sheriff from home is here as a teenage clone from an alternate universe
- Will be perfectly happy to watch you attempt to prove the existence of magic to him
- Will not believe in the existence of magic despite your attempts to prove it
- Comes from a place where scientists perform tricks that look like magic on a regular basis
- Might give tips on how your magic trick might be made more marketable
- Likes gossip
- And adventurous palettes
- And men
Priestly from Ten Inch Hero
lovemykilt- Is an alumnus
- Dropped out of culinary school in Santa Cruz after cheating on his future wife as his future self with his best friend at their 20 year reunion in Fandom
- Is currently travelling the world on his international culinary adventure
- Technically actually spent most of the summer in Austin, Texas
- But has now made it to the Philippines!
- Is also technically still employed at a sub shop in Santa Cruz, and paying rent on a cute little bungalow with his friend Jen
- Has almost no male friends
- Is a punk
- Loves conspiracy theories
- Has spent a night in a Malaysian drunk tank
- Is generally pretty cheerful, otherwise
- Is entirely hopeless when it comes to love
Castiel from Supernatural
scruffnfeathers- Is an expatriot
- Is an angel
- Is currently attempting to win a civil war in Heaven against the archangel Raphael
- Will do something interesting just as soon as I find out where the heck his canon is taking him with this whole "I am your new god" thing, I promise
- Is, in the meantime, teaming up with the King of Hell to find Purgatory and use the souls there to power his triumph over Raphael
- And keep Sam and Dean from going to completely off the rails
- Neither has yet been terribly successful
- So he might be slightly mopey
- And maybe occasionally hiding in Bangkok
- Because Chuck Bass is a bad influence
Me from The Great Land of Me-ness
bellatemple- Is the mun
- Is on the East Coast of North America
- Works an evening shift, and as such is up super-duper late, but not very early
- Is almost as random as Pinkie Pie
- And far more evil
- Is a writer and seamstress, and may be delayed in answering pings/IMs when not at work due to having hands full of fabric and sharp pointy objects
- Tries to be quick in pinging back/answering IMs despite this
- Is far too fond of bulleted lists
- Especially ones that really shouldn't actually be bulleted lists
- Dreams about zombies. A lot.
- Is 30 years old as of last Friday
- And still reading YA novels
- And a very organic player with a flair for improvisation and an eye for the patently absurd
- And does not bite
- Even when asked nicely
Government closure due to earthquake = slowest day at work, ever. OMG.