MCA #7, Thursday Afternoon

Feb 19, 2015 14:34

"What about this one?" Pinkie asked, throwing a seventeenth crazy party hat onto her head and flinging the sixteenth onto the leaning tower o' hats in the corner. "I dunno, Gummy, does it say 'sophisticated weirdo human party fun' to you?"

Gummy blinked unevenly at her. Pinkie sighed, tossed the hat aside, and reached for the eighteenth hat.

Then a scroll appeared in a burst of green flames and landed at her hooves. "OMIGOSHOMIGOSHALETTERFROMPRINCESSCELESTIA!" Pinkie cried, loud and excited enough to make the windows vibrate. She danced in place for a few moments before opening the scroll. "Dear Pinkie Pie," she read aloud. "Blah blah blah, friendship, blah blah, elements, blah, changelings OH! The Crystal Empire! Omigosh, Gummy we have to go right now!"

She tossed the entire stack of crazy party hats into a hat box much too small for even one of them, slammed the lid on, and dropped it into her saddlebags.

Gummy blinked at her.

"I knooooooooooow," Pinkie said. "But Fandom will just have to party without me for a little while."

[ooc: I dunno it came up in a thread and I needed something to distract the pony from the make-out party. NFI.]

idek, letters from home, mca 7, gummy, princess celestia, ic, maybe a canon catch up?

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