im standing here outside your door...

Jan 05, 2005 02:25

ok, so i tried to go to bed like 5 min ago. sers, in bed, in pj's, lights out. BUT i was lacking updation lately, and all my lj friends are updating recently, so i felt pressured. climbed out of bed, put on my nerdy glasses and came down to the basement to do this. you're welcome.

break has been long. L-O-N-G. needed, but long. i am bored. i miss social interaction every second of the day. i miss sleeping in (yah, the point of break is to sleep in, fam. not wake up at 10). i miss boots. yah. i miss hearing "uh", "ewww" or "gross" way too many times of the day cuz boots uses them to describe how she feels about EVERYTHING. i miss food whenever i want it. ok, the food is bad, so i may take that back. basically, i miss du. i am bored. so bored, i fell in love....

-with lj. sers? its like herpes at bowling green...sooner or later everyone will have 'em. offish obsess=me. something about it makes me think what in my day qualifies for an lj entry. already, erin, eric and ryan r.a. have started one. yeah, we're all bored and are all cool, so we qualify. calli marie nosal, you should def start an lj before going to italy cuz i won't be able to talk to you and i'll want to know how you are. ok, consider it.

-with "The Notebook". watched it last night (bootleg haha eric) and cried. no, bawled. not once or twice, three times. yeah, it was better than i thought it would be. the book is still sooooo good and better (like everyone says that, i know). i cried reading the book, too. but i watched it late at night and i was just in that mood and it was just great

-with David Crowder Band. so good, even though bay says they're not her fav. quite a range of music stylings. "inebriated by you, im head over heals for you"

-with camp. ok, this was prolly obv to everyone, but i thought i'd declare it for real. it came to me when quinn called me "miss camper-person" tonight. i am in love with the place/people/feeling/etc of 111 Lake Glor Rd.

-with 'the fam'. eric, lisa, ryan, carrie and bayley (the fam tv). i love you all. we need to go to punderson again soon. dad took ryan and i out to lunch today, but ok, didn't pay. what's that about? i had to steal $5 from my real dad to afford my fajitas con sizzle. (which, btw, are not the best before bball practice).

-with facebook. i can spend hours on it. why? cuz i get e-mails like "your mom has listed you as a friend". no joke. your mom goes to carnegie mellon, and i accepted. yeah, im crazy. or doing high school searches, like fox chap high school and running any familiar names by edubs to see if she remembered them, too. ok ali talarico? sers, anyone remember her? cuz i swear i do.

-with basketball. no, im real not on the team--believe me. but i can't get enough of it. even go to boy's games cuz i love it. ok, tonights game against t-burg was soooo good. BUT, the girls are just amazing. they are so fun. even when dubo=salt, sarah=fat, sam=sarah moore, itis=making fun of me, plewack=crazy, or penny=pms (ok, always), i still love it. loves it.

-with fox chap's mascot being the foxes. can't get over it. can't lglg. ok lacking in creativity, but still sooooooo good and sooooo fitting. simple, cute, cool, easy. beth martin, can we please visit fchs this weekend?

-with the song "wanna be there" by blessid union of souls. ok, don't know why. not new or crazy or diff but i love it. fav part? "i wanna be there when you go insane, i wanna be there when im outta town, and when your whole damn world is crashing down...cause you don't know what you have, til your everything is gone" mmhmmmmm. so good.

-with going to pittsburgh. my friends all hate it, but it is sooooo amazing. hopefully going again this weekend to see beth martin and lena. yeah, it will be awesome. i agree.

ok, i think thats everything that i've fallen in love with lately. its cool. i guess im ready for bed now. oh, im not.


ok, tech, its the day after god created julie wiencek, but i haven't gone to sleep yet, so it counts. yeah, see that awesome use of computer skills to make those letter big and roman red? yeah, sers took me a while. ok, don't make fun.

now, i'm ready for bed......

p.s. the wallflowers say, "god don't make lonely girls". mmmhmmmm. ok. (the end haha phil).
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