Dec 28, 2004 21:53
updating once again...weird...prolly just a lack of anything better to do.
an overview of today...
*woke up around 1...seeing as how i didn't go to bed till like 3
*got outta bed long enough to get cereal and came back and watched Miss Congeniality till like 3
*then got outta bed and got on the computer...figurin more stuff out...still haven't hooked up the tv yet...cable guy coming out to the house soon.
*ate an awesome dinner of ravioli! didn't even have to leave the house...totally got it brought to me.
*back on this damn thing downloading music and such
*prolly talk a lil more and pop in a movie and pass out lol
tomorrow holds a chance for something other than bummin around in my pjs...which in case you haven't figured out i never got out of today...natalie is comin ova tomorrow. that should be fun, i haven't hung out with her in forever! i love how much i exagerate. she'll prolly spend the night. i'll prolly get my pictures developed tomorrow. kinda interested about how one of me and someone turned out.
it's funny how different things turn out from what you expected. but how it's almost better...most of the time.