Last Night Live

Jul 23, 2007 10:06

Lastnight i went to the event produced by Blood. it was in ikebukuro cyber.
Well, it was so japan-no seats, so crowded, lots of girls XD
So since i went alone myself, i was just standing by alone and trying to find out any cool looking people-musicians. but there was hardly no musicians i found out in the middle! ahh! so, its kinda hopeless to find musicians in audience, you gotta talk to bandmembers directly.

Overall my review was like ....well, except one band, rest of bands sucked as fuck.
Suicide ali was fine in insrument playing, maybe the best band of the day for the aspect, but just the songs are boring, and rocking much. Blood was shitty, they definitely lost with suicide ali, which could be considered their younger-brother-like band. The vocalist singing so boring, and not rocking at all, and all the songs are gothic like. terrible song writing skills. but the guitarist was interesting in playing, and the bassist was really interesting to listen to.

So, the band last night gave me a lot of confident.i will beat them soon in the future!!! DIX!
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