RANDOM: first off lemme just say, I’ve said Lonely is the Night was a SN song since s1!
LIKE: I was very excited to finally see a girl hunter…shoulda known she was gonna DIE haha
RANDOM: in Hookman Dean said he and John had come up with the rock salt shells (I’d have to go back to see exactly what he said) seems like they shared their idea with other hunters
RANDOM: I like the lil jumpbounce back she does when she shoots the guy, I do stupid stuff like that too haha
RANDOM: her house is Cassie’s *nods*
DON’T LIKE: yeahhh, I’ve made up my mind, me no like the birds title card, I miss the explody things
LIKE: groped by an angel WAHAHAHAHA
LIKE: also? one (ok, two) layers….YEAH BABY :D
omg I so heart dean, I want his babies
hehe I heart bobby too…but no babies from him
LIKE: I love Dean’s unconscious touch to his shoulder when Bobby’s talking about angels
I also love him breaking about not feeling like he deserves it, and his voice *pets him* when he says it creeps him out, guh, Jensen rocks *headdesk*
I did like how Genevieve played Ruby this time, better than last ep IMO, even if she was only on the screen for 10seconds…although, the holy hell line was a bit lame
hmmm, smite first…wonder if Castiel knows Sam has/is working with a demon
Sam knew Olivia by name…interesting
hehe scoot over, hehe where’s the pie, omg I am so in love with this ep
awww bobby *huggles him*
LIKE: I actually liked the way they shot the gore this time, like, it was GORE and EWGORE, but it was almost like, off screen, but not and that made no sense but whatev
impala *pets it* *has thought* I want an impala poster!!! one of those professional ones you used to buy at school book fairs that are like, on cardboard and with a flag backdrop or something! dude Id totally put it on my wall ceiling
I love how Sam’s pumping gas but one second the LED numbers aren’t even there and then when they are they aren’t counting up
LIKE: Henricksen!! *hugs him* glad he at least got to do another ep, Malik’s awesome
OW sinkhead! not fun
RANDOM: did anyone else think ‘Pepsi?’ when that red/white/blue ball bounced down the stairs? aaha
*hearts the score*
*hearts whispering Dean*
RANDOM: I miss junkyards *pouts* it’s been so long since ive been junkyard hopping
RANDOM: it fills me with glee that they trapped bobby in an old Chevy van haha, even though it’s just a tad more beat up than mine…just a lil haha
ooo Meg, and I do like that she looked diff, that worked out well
poor Dean, his face *wibbles*
Dean always gets beat up by the girl lol
LIKE: in seriousness thou I loved this scene, between Dean being upset cus he knows she’s right and the way they played off each other was awesome
DON’T LIKE: I however did NOT like the two lil girls, the every other word thing annoyed the crap outta me
LIKE: and ow, the little sibling line, you know that had to hurt *pets Dean*
the iron chandelier….awesome, I was talking to my bud and was like, I like Dean on his back *pauses* I didn’t mean it that way, but ill go with that too ;)
RANDOM: im glad Sam didn’t draw an exact copy of the symbol, that would have been lame if he just magically knew EXACTLY what it looked like when he was getting his head slammed into a sink
LIKE: WHOO PANIC ROOM freaking AWESOME, I just, I cannot express my love for the awesomeness that is Bobby, I had a weekend off *shrugs*
haha dean, he so cute and haha PINUP
however…I don’t know if the same can be true for ‘pure iron’ but I know in northern states where they use salt on the roads in winter to melt the ice, after so many years cars tend to rust like a mother fucker, so how could you spray salt on iron, and have it be okay? not to mention how to get salt on the wall in the first place…if you just mixed up a salt solution and sprayed it on the walls, it would eventually dry out and then just brush off the walls like sand, unless you mixed it with some kind of adhesive/glue, but mixing salt with anything liquid is going to make it dissolve….so…yeah, I’ve thought too much about this, I’ve always thought they should fill PVC pipes full of salt and just carry em around, like standard door width, then you could just throw it down instead of having to pour lines, not to mention it would be water/wind proof
LIKE: I love dean bouncing ideas off Sam and Bobby, this shit’s obviously eating at him
LIKE: I LOVE that they put the line in there about them being like rabid dogs and not being able to control it, Meg, MAYBE, but I can’t see Henricksen or Ron blaming them for their deaths
I’m withholding judgment on this/these new plot lines, I still can’t say I’m a fan of this sudden religious (I know, that word has been used a lot) turn
LIKE: and I LOVEADORE that $5 a gal gas makes Dean’s apocalypse list hahaha that’d so be me
Bobby…’you thought our luck was gonna start now all of a sudden?’ hahaha
aww Ron, I loved that they brought him in, poor Dean
alright, speculation here, it’s canon that the boys used to call him Uncle Bobby, and that at sometime or another they HAD been to Bobby’s house before WE first saw him in Devil’s Trap, and assuming they’ve stayed there before….and yet, Sam didn’t know where the linen closet was?
haha Dean ‘opium?’ freaking hysterical
LIKE: oooo Meg/Sam convo, LOVED that and LOVED how Sam just shot her anyways, def showing his new side
ugh Dean/Henricksen fucking LOVE their scenes together
oooooooo Lilith, that is FUCKED UP, poor Dean *wibbles*
aww *pets them* ‘you alright?’ ‘no!’ you could hear the *idiot* tacked on to that haha
lol I’m not a cheeseburger, no you are not *grin* you are much much tastier
and awww sleepyboys! socked feet!
also, with as many doors as were in the hallway upstairs and yet they have to sleep on the couch and floor? with clothes? no pillows or blankets?
ooo more whispering Dean! the Castiel/Dean exchange was well played, whether I like the character or not I have to admit that
LIKE: and I did adore the ‘if you say mysterious ways so help me I will kick your ass’ line, and then Dean’s face when he realized he just basically tore into an angel haha
DON’T LIKE: I did not however like him telling Dean he could throw him back into hell, way to use the cliché parent/kid I brought you into this world I can take you back out line *glares at Castiel*
but…Jensen played that wall, as always haha
more socked feet!! sleepy boys! I love all that mundane shit haha, I love that shit about roadtrips, like, the quiet in the morning when your shuffling around the motel room before you hit the road again *le sigh*