aww you completely just made my day hun *huggles* and I did read all your comments, and you are of course welcome to come over for some grilled cheese and bacon :D
there will not be a sequel lol, but you made me squee with the fact that you read it even thou you like slash, I've found myself scrolling right on by het too
Hope you don`t mind...but I was looking at your myspace account. You have an aweful lot handsignded stuff from SN. AND you have a pic of Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven`t had the time to look at the other fics you`ve I will do it sometimes this week. *Hugs*
I don't mind at all, I do have quite a few signed things, the pictures I got really lucky and got at Eyecon, which was literally like 30mins from my house
some of the other stuff I bought, I've got a list of all my Supernatural Memorbilia linked at the end of my master post
Steve is hilarious, I actually got to like hang out at his and Jason Mann's autograph table for about a half hour at the last Eyecon
"I actually got to like hang out at his and Jason Mann's autograph table for about a half hour at the last Eyecon" Ohhh i am so jealouse right now.... Steve is like....god?! Okay maybe that is reserved for Jensen but he is like his second in command. I don`t even mind that I am taller than him. Awwwwww I would have fainted! (image that...."oh hey Steve I ....*thud*) YOU ARE A LUCKY GIRL!!!!
That leads me to the question...what did she do this one year?
Do you write a sequel?
there will not be a sequel lol, but you made me squee with the fact that you read it even thou you like slash, I've found myself scrolling right on by het too
Hope you don`t mind...but I was looking at your myspace account. You have an aweful lot handsignded stuff from SN. AND you have a pic of Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven`t had the time to look at the other fics you`ve I will do it sometimes this week. *Hugs*
some of the other stuff I bought, I've got a list of all my Supernatural Memorbilia linked at the end of my master post
Steve is hilarious, I actually got to like hang out at his and Jason Mann's autograph table for about a half hour at the last Eyecon
Ohhh i am so jealouse right now.... Steve is like....god?! Okay maybe that is reserved for Jensen but he is like his second in command. I don`t even mind that I am taller than him. Awwwwww I would have fainted! (image that...."oh hey Steve I ....*thud*)
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