ohhhh *braces self*
hey, look, music from Wendigo lol
*sigh* Dean and the alcohol :(
hrmmm, wonder how he knows these guys
//we ain’t the only hunters after you//...shit
oh fuck Dean’s faceeeeee
damn right you don’t want him on your ass, that bitch KNOWS that’s a death sentence
//when I come back, I’m gonna be pissed// NUGH cus he KNOWS neither of them are gonna stay dead, the angels wont allow it, which BTW where the hell are they? you’d think them or Lucifer would be like back the fuck off our vessels
omg music <3
anybody else notice how all the lights in this ep are like extra glow-y
this scene man, this SCENE, it’s amazing and I love it and UGH but at the same time I was like GET THIS SHIT OFF MY SCREEN CUS I’M ABOUT TO LOSE IT
Dean. Is. The. Best. Big. Bro. Ever. truefax
ugh, one of the best music cues in the show, the way they shot this and used the music, motherTRUCK and Colin! UGH running thru the sparks, I CAN’T HANDLE THIS SHIT YA’LL
haha Caspala, I will not lie, when Dean was like you gotta get outta my dreams I was like, Caspala is in your dreams? lol
//for you it’s a road// all I could think was, of course it is lol
oooo pretty shot
it took me a min to realize this was young!Sam’s memory, I was like O.o wtf at big Sam and the teenager haha
I would have FREAKED if I had been that girl, and then your gonna grab this big ass guy’s thigh, uhhh O.O
awwww Sam knows Dean would go to heaven *sigh*
that doing the right thing line sounded dubbed O.o
latex? really Dean? lol
burned down the field? LOL
haha Sam PLASTERING HIMSLF TO WALL makes me lol
haha Sammy //like you’ve lost your mind//
//don’t go into the light// lmao
lmfao they’re so cute
assful? O.o lol
naww Cas
//you think maybe, just maybe, we should find out just what the hell god has been saying?!// LMFAO
lol Dean was a Richard Petty fan?
also, there is a firefighter’s hat on his shelf! whoa details!
I still think that Dean remembers an awful lot considering he was FOUR
haha //wuv hugs// would have been hilarious if Sam had tried to hug him :D
Dean D: I can’t handle this drama man! the end of this season is gonna fucking kill me! *headdesk*
two boys at home? where’s Sam?
//it wasn’t perfect until after she died// ugh, I know how you feel Dean, dealing with that BS
omg Deannnnn D: and Sammy seeing it!
//I just never realized how long you’ve been cleaning up dad’s messes//
I know this is not the way, if any way, Dean would have wanted Sam to find out his issues, what things affected him and how they did , but ugh, I think it’s good, that Sam’s finally realizing how his choices fucked up Dean
I’m not saying Sam’s at complete fault, he wanted to go to school, he wanted to have a semi-normal life, I can respect that, and he was a kid, it’s not like he thought about all the consequences, but the fact still remains his actions did affect Dean whether he thought about it or not, and I was CHEERING when Dean was finally telling him //one of the worst nights of my life// it’s about damn time that Sam consciously thinks about how he’s hurt Dean
(and I’m really not trying to lay it all on Sam, Dean’s not innocent either, lord knows they both have shit to work out)
also: Bones? wow imaginative Sam lol
boys *shakes head* did you really think running was gonna help much? lol
WTF haha I LOL’D so hard, I knew who it was the second I got past the LMAOWTF LUCHADORE I was like ASHHHHH
haha win he finally got to save the boys \o/
haha Ash drinking beer lol wtf
//few people share, soul mates...most people can’t leave their own private Idahos// uhhh DEAN AND SAM HAVE BEEN IN EACH OTHERS HEAVENS...SOUL MATES TRUEFAX
also, ugh, I hate that movie
Johnny cash <3 I need to get that signed pic from my sister, my great aunt knew him, she was a country singer before she died
of course Ash is fluent in enochian lol
windexed your brains LMFAO
awww Ellen and Jo :( *hugs Ash*
hrmmm, so he can’t find John and Mary...intriguing...
lol the second he opened that door I was like OF COURSE Pam is hanging out with Ash hahahaha
haha Pam
Ash and Pam throwing rock hands LOL
now alright, I’m not complaining about the kiss, I adore Pam, she’s adorable and the kiss was hot, not even gonna lie...I’m just...a bit confused, in the very first ep she was in she hit on Dean, granted she also invited Sam *wink wink nudge nudge* but it was Dean she was hitting on first...then after that, she was always flirting with Sam, slapping his ass, grabbing his ass, telling him he had a nice ass...and now she kisses Dean? like, pick one! lol
also go Traci lol *is jealous*
Ash <3
music win, I love this country twang thing they got goin on recently
oh Dean baby :(
I realize this is all Zach, I refuse to think Mary has anything to do with this, just a 'memory' and all, but in the same breath I was like, why the hell would Mary blame DEAN? the YED came after SAM, she was killed because he was there for SAM, Dean had nothing to do with it
sometimes I wonder how much of this Kripke had planned all along and how much he’s stolen from us, cus fandom’s been on the everybody-leaves-Dean-he-blames-himself-train for YEARS
again with the I’m glad Sam is finally REALIZING and getting it knocked into him what Dean’s been thru and thinks
even Sam is disgusted by Zach touching not!Mary
ball gag? Dean? really? lol
...why is SAM flinching when Dean gets hit? O.o I hadn’t noticed that, soul mate-ness maybe? he flinches pretty hard, and they made it a point to SHOW it...hrmm...
and where the fuck is MICHAEL?! I realize he’s not our BFF but you would think he’d be like WTF are you doing put them back
Joshua \o/ I liked this actor
//you see what you want to here, for some it’s god’s throne room, for others it’s Eden, you two, it’s Cleveland Botanical Gardens, you came here on a field trip//
everybody sees what they want and yet Sam and Dean BOTH see the SAME THING which happens to be a field tip they went on TOGETHER! SOULMATES YA’LL!
on earth huh...
if he’s on earth, and Lucifer destroys earth, it is gonna be his problem
mah Dean D:
this dude needs to read childrens’ books *nods*
boysssssssss D:
CAS OMG I realize there’s like crazydrama with the boys, and I can’t handle it but CAS! it’s almost harder with him cus he was CREATED for god like UGH, to have that all crumble around him
I was SCREAMING at the tv HUG HIM
music<3 not something I would have thought would work in a heavy emotional scene like this but somehow it does
ugh *facedesk*
Team Free Will is now Team No Will
Cas totally picked up sonofabitch from Dean <3
I will not lie thou, I thought, hey, here’s a perfect opportunity for Cas to change clothes haha
Sam :(
ugh, I know, ok, I know, I do what they were doing here, and what they were trying to convey, with Dean throwing the necklace away, I realize they gotta shatter them before they can glue them back together, and I realize the boys are breaking and Dean is shutting himself down cus it’s all getting too much and he just cant handle it, I understand all that...
but I was still PISSED THE FUCK OFF at that! I was SCREAMING! I am honestly surprised my neighbors didn’t call the cops, and I’m not even being sarcastic, I’m serious cus I was PISSED and LOUD ugh
all I'm saying is Sam better have grabbed that shit from the trash can or else I'm gonna havta kick BOTH their asses
in conclusion: the impala is god, I will accept nothing less