Terrible Life : Thoughts

Mar 29, 2009 11:49

a fucking Prius, are you KIDDING ME

(if you don’t know what that means, you are seriously missing out)

the suspenders *shakes head*

I would NEVER in a million years buy a shirt like that but fucking hell, is there NOTHING that Jensen can’t pull off?

lemon, cayenne and maple? EWW

I thought from the previews I was gonna hate Dean’s like, comb over thing, but damn if it doesn’t just make Jensen look adorable

Smith and Wesson *shakes head* oh Show

aww tech support Sam *cuddles* I feel your pain baby, some of the shit I used to have to deal with at the cell phone store was freaking ridiculous

lol D&D, poor Sammy, being picked on :)

Jared is entirely too large for the cubical haha

ohhh awkward boys *sigh*

hehe Sammy you over share

dude, the microwave, I could have lived without that image, totally wasn’t watching that, my nephew kinda freaked

Jensen is too fucking pretty, like SERIOUSLY, I was distracted most of this ep cus they both (but really Jensen) look like fucking wax dolls, it’s fucking ridiculous

man those yellow shirts really don’t look good on anyone

god, more suspenders *sniggers*

my nephew totally spazzed over the pencil, I was like I told you there was blood in this show!! lol he’s only 11 and I spent all day convincing him to watch it with me, cus it had a old car and classic rock (I approve of that parenting haha) and they fight monsters….and then it was this ep, which was like a reverse 180o compared to normal *facedesk*

hehe awkward boys again

I really want some Smith/Wesson porn, like, in a non SN way, like if that WAS their actual lives, awkward boys fighting the tension in the office lol

I wonder what that detox was, I’m hoping it’s just like really watered down apple juice or something, cus it looks disgusting lol the things these boys do for this show haha *smishes them*

vision dreams *rolls eyes*

haha I love our show’s details, when I was going thru caps if you zoom in on those email sheets the one from Ian has an email from Mimi (his GMILF) with the subject line that says “the answer is NO” haha

dude, you get to an ‘office’ that’s basically a musty old storage room, you don’t walk IN, you leave, friggin idiots

that ghost dude looks familiar, has he been on here before?

did anyone notice all of Dean’s stuff, furniture and décor are black and silver? ala Impala?

Shirley McLain?....I don’t know what that means lol

haha Sammy, his FACE!

*shakes head* Ghostfacers FTW

I’m actually surprised the network has supported them that much, I mean, they have their own website, money’s getting poured into it and it really doesn’t have anything to do with SN in the day to day

if nothing else SN has given these guys experience playing EVERYTHING haha

douche nozzles? *snorts*

so…apparently Dean and Sam gave the Ghostfacers actual useful info on hunting, which…is kinda weird, wouldn’t they want those idiots to stay AWAY from hunting?

stupid rent a cops

I fucking knew it man! as soon as he opened those doors I was like this is gonna end bad lol had to tell my nephew when it was ok to look again

the twitching was uncalled for haha

Sam’s ‘call you back’ hehe *smishes him*

take the stairs *giggles*

that’s a lot of blood *is still giggling*

ugh, into a light fixture, that had to hurt

is it bad Jensen’s scared face just makes me laugh? *innocent face*

‘Right?!’ hahaha oh they’re so cute

health insurance LMAO

Stanford, Bob/Ellen/Jo hahahaha and Madison at the animal hospital HAHAHA

‘with you’ hahahaha ohhh I was waiting for ‘partners’ lol and Dean’s WITH you? *sigh*

nawww boys *smishes*


I know that was prolly just a set piece and not actual iron but Jared BENT THAT SHIT

‘I quit’ lol hehe

random dude to choose for an angel *shrugs* maybe it’s just me

8-10 years, eww lol

so, Dean’s born and bred for hunting, yeah, ok, Sam seemed much more driven for it than Dean was thou, which is ironic, since Sam was the one that wanted out

decoupage, I found that entirely lame, it had nothing to do with anything

ass clowns? O_o

lol Dean’s minute lil shrug and smirk about the car and women, that’s my boy ;)

I get the point behind the ep, but honestly I’m not that big a fan, I think a big part of it is the fact that they plunked it down after last weeks EPIC, all that angst and unfinished biz and then all of a sudden we get an ep with not even 5 mins of actual story line

maybe I would have liked it more if it had been placed somewhere else in the season, maybe not, hard to tell, it was a lil WTF random, IMO even the djinn AU was more plausible and swallowable than this one *shrugs*

the boys were pretty thou :D

now where’s my Smith/Wesson porn? ;)

supernatural, review, fangirling

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