Actual Food - Sorta

Apr 05, 2008 01:19

So, I missed a post last week. Not a whole hellva lot to report. The weight keep sliding off and I'm officially bored of the shake flavors. The soups still have some life in them but even then, there is only so many different kinds of seasonings I can put in them. I've taken to making the supplements with ice and blending them 2 at a time. Take half now, half later. Doing this has reduced the need to take straight water and the shakes are much better in this state. So it works out. Being bored as I am with them, I don't really care what two supplements I'm mixing as it's all starting to taste the same. M cringes a bit sometimes when the mixes are a little odd. Wild Berry and Mint Chocolate or Berry Crème and Mocha.

On the positive side, it would appear that I'm losing weight too fast. 278 as of Thursday, which means I'm in the realm of 50lbs lost. To put that into perspective that more then twice our daughter's weight. The thought of hefting 2 of her around all the time isn't appealing and I'm surprised I don't feel different in my activities. Other then clothing fit and being able to squeeze into smaller spaces, I don't really feel different. Unfortunately, 'too fast' means I need to slow down. Last week the doc put me on an extra supplement to fill in for the extra weight I was losing from the exercise. This week, having lost ever more then the previous week (7.4lbs in a week) he took bit more drastic measures and added 12oz/day of skim milk to my diet. So I'm sorta getting real food (if you consider skim milk food). BTW a double mocha milk shake with crushed ice makes a passable (as in, "I can have anything remotely closer") Mocha Frappichino.

Chatting more with the doc, we discussed the target weight number a bit and he admitted it's a 'pie in the sky' number and he really bases it more on how the patient looks rather then any chart or target number. Since I'm fairly heavily built (thick bone, dense muscle mass) the target number for me is probably too low and that I'll probably be bottoming out around 210-220. If this is the case then I'm crossing the half way mark. If I'm counting right, I could be done in May.

The list:
Bacon-Wrapped Scallops
$50 stew (friend's specialty)
Cheese burger (Homemade and grilled)
Baked Potato
Gorgonzola Seasoned Fries at Palomino (Damn did those look good)
Chicken Nachos at The Cerrito
Any Amish Friendship Bread - Seen multiple iterations as the starter gets passed around
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