So as most of you know we had a little life snafu recently, what with the breaking and entering of our house mixed with the taking of our things. I don't recommend it. Life has almost regained it normally tenuous grasp on what we would consider normalcy. It's a good time for a tax refund because we have some retrofitting to do for security purposes. But, enough about that little chapter of our lives.
It's a few day past my last session and still feeling good. Better, in fact. My hunger sense is almost completely gone and, as this is the beginning of my third week, I get soups. Yes, it seems like such a small thing, but soups have made this little trek so much easier. Now, these aren't you Progresso Chicken Chunk Mayhem or anything like that. It's basically a chickenLIKE flavored (ie no chicken) shake in a bowl with maybe 10 rice sized noodles in it. It even comes in the same packets that my shakes do. HOWEVER it's not sweet and it's warm. Plus as I only get one a day it gives me something to have around dinner time that's special and not just another shake. A welcome change.
Last night was game night. Now if there was a night of gluttonous sin for me it would be game night. Every two weeks we all gather and there is snack food and beer a-plenty. Topping that off we usually get some form of take-out be it your Mexican, pizza, Indian, whatever. I LOVE game night. Normally by the end I'm a snack food and beer piñata with a generous dinner on the side. Well this was my first night on the fast during this little ritual. I have to say that while it was a fairly tempting target (they even had Thai, the bastards :) my resolve did not fail me. I think after making chex mix for my dad, being extremely tempted to even lick a finger, and still holding out allowed my subconscious to take what little doubt that I could do this into a dark corner and put it out of it's misery. Plus... soup! The Thai showed up, I made soup, we had dinner. The cherry on top is that everyone is totally supportive. Some going so far as to feint righteous indignation when the GM handed the menu and order pad to me as it made it's way around the table. I love my group.
The list (a little junk foody this week):
Pa Nang Curry
Safeway deli sandwich
Babybel cheese wheel
Chex Mix and Muddy Buddies (homemade)
Rubios Fish Taco
Cheese filled crust pizza (yes I know it's the devil but I love it)
Beef (or lamb) Lasagna (homemade)