I Like...

Nov 11, 2007 21:40

My Dear Lee Jordan,

I just love LUST for this guy. I'm not into guys with short hair, or hair of any length that does not give me room to play with it, but this... this, I swear, is my personal "Viktor". I just... hmmmm... look at those eyes, perfect blue pools (and I hate blue, really), and his pale lips, the stubble on his face... his neck... I guess it's because of his bushy eyebrows and his big nose... but really, isn't he like the HOTTEST motherfucker you have ever seen? I want him cloned and tied to my bed naked for me to satisfy every single dirty desire I can ever have... and with a mind like mine, that man is going to suffer hell and back... (hehehehe). But really, I want something like that with a soft, deep voice (Alan Rickman kind of voice) and a mind that can kick me out of this world. I want a challenging man, looking like this hot pappa.

I took this test my friend shota_hunter posted, and this is what I've got at the first attempt:

Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?

Kyan: Grooming Guru
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Now, let's see if I can get the one I want...

Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?

Ted: Food & Wine Connoisseur
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I knew I could cheat my way into his pants!!

I had an awesome weekend, with great purchases, great lunches, fabulous dinners... I'm on the top of the world. ^_^ How's weather down there in the slums? Hahahahaha!

Love to All,

Locky the Bunny

magyar derek, quizzes, men

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