I laugh at puns because they're not funny.
Well, today at work I did do some work, it was weird.
Now I will take you on a magical journey onto how my work space is set up. I work in a "Conex" which is like a storage area with a sink and computers and air conditioning inside a giant warehouse. Outside my "CONEX", which I have named the green bean since it is painted green inside and out, is some crates. For the past 4 days there have been arbians sleeping on these crates. Two guys. Don't speak a word of english and their body odor makes the surronding area smell like potatoes. Not the "mmmm potatoes" kid of smell, but the kind where you go "ewww." They sleep from around 9 to about 2. They are clothed in what I presume is some kind of uniform since they haven't changed out of it for the whole time I have seen them.
I think tomorrow I will strike up a converstation with them.
Whenever they leave, they leave a whole mess of mess. Water bottles and some other stuff I don't recognize.
Now, onto my personal problems. I drink a lot of water here. I drink a few soda's(not pop, you fucking east coast wanks)and some ChocoMilk. Now here comes the problem, I wake up and rush to the bathroom which seems like atleast a mile away. I have to wear pants to go to the bathroom. Then I get there, I am standing in front of the urinal trying to unzip my pants.
Please, try to remeber the last time you really really had to take a pee. Thats me every mourning. I do the little dance like motion where I stomp my feet and franticaly fumble around trying to get ready to pee. Then normaly the relief is a great feeling but I must pee for a good 5 minutes. Not the clear all water type of pee. Oh no, my body must be reacting weird because of all the guys here, making my urine extra strong and dark like I have been drinking heavyly for the last few days. Dark muddy water. Anyway, back to why I think it is my body reacting to all the guys here. Well, like all animals, we must mark our area.
Wow. I hope some one read that. I wrote a lot for just the subject of taking a piss.
I might get to go to Downtown Doha, Qatar tomorrow.
Oh, and this keeps me busy at work.
http://www.widro.com/throwpaper.html And holy shit, anyone who likes music needs to check this massive scary website out