80. July 21, 2010 (wed.)
i gift the blue ascot after my rickety easel
heart with a long-lost advert that never was.
After perching on the suspenders-strewn
settee, proceed-- pretend to teach French
with Mssr. Gainsbourg's sexy sexy
tunes. Our gender-decadence, falsies
(moustache wax, cum-smelling
lash glue) make the charcoal, kohl point
properly enough: there are not enough songs
about hard drugs
on tiny instruments.
Meff 'n jojo's tiny instrument review/revue opening for the
Slomski Bros. 8/12 at
Nick's (friggin') ABSINTHE bar, Worcester! can't wait! i'm drawing our circus tent poster right now! (oh, tiny instruments made up of broken toys...)
2 http://poetesss.tumblr.com/PAD