50. "She said, 'I feel like an Easter egg.' I loved that."

Jun 24, 2010 00:13

week8, day1
50. June 21, 2010

It is better to murder an infant in its cradle than to nurse desires unacted upon. -Blake

How do i paraphrase? i'm lost in the lust
between paragraphs' thigh highs, Granta's
sexy times issue
. The O'Keefe change

purse, the cat lipping the cover. "It's a story
about the only woman on an island of cast-aways,
and the husband lottery they do every two years.

Not in a creepy way. It's sweet." Let's untuck
the bottom sheet, and turn on the fan to turn
pages for us, sweating in serifs. i sleep with

books like a good beatnik with ironed hair,
rumpled black clothes. O, majiscules, your
frayed facial hair. i will poison myself with a drop

from your pen. Wrists, reading glasses
bound by leather bookmark, forked tongue
of criticism hot on the rear of the paperbacks--

spines hickey'd, chewed and stacked
on the nightstand. Leave the lava
lamp on, i'm not through.


subject-quote from the 1st (amazing!) piece in the issue, The Unwriteable by Mark Doty.

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