oh my lort. kiddies who've followed my blogfaerie ways since the days of yore/olden, 2002 on...do any of you remember when i originally shared >>
summer03, after young writers workshop at UVA (nerd nerd poetry nerd going to poetry bootcamp before college!) shortly thereafter i visited
petroldarling for the 1st time, and our 2nd visit. anyhoo, my lovely artist friend (who i was just talking to
edrie about yesterday. wrt gender pronouns, kwi and kwir being the bestest ever!) evan jeshka just left me a facebrain note hilariously wrt twitter, but it made me remember this drawing he did of me. so flattering to be remembered so lovingly, to remember how talented/thoughtful my kindred spirits have always been. and that i've had any such kindred poetical spirits, that i continue to, that i can keep them at all (oh stay in touch with the tendrils of internet!)-- well, that's amazing. i feel blessed and silly.
and it made me feel pretty good, going spelunking in my old LJ and our old deviantART accounts. i am proud of the little rainbowie freak i was. she was a nice little hippy mamma yamma wannabe. even then i was the delinquent carpool mum, ferrying everyone around in my pop's volvo sedan 740 back when it still existed and it didn't have AC so i'd just take off my bra in the middle of traffic in DC not far from the high school and hang it on the rearview to cool down. and oh how we'd laugh. good times. so, though i no longer look so much like a search-me-at-the-airport raver, i think i'm fundamentally the same over-excited through-composed baroquecoco garish poet. however more of an edward gorey girl lady i (supposedly) am now. (halfway to fifty) geesus, look at me type this gibberish. i'm the same. but i'm getting more fond, less embarrassed. i've been studying poetry for 10 years, and it was SEVEN years ago that i was already accepted into college early decision (i'd submitted art slides/a poetry portfolio) and was going to the rigorous application-procces'd yet oh so worth it kind of interlochen for writers? summer study sleepaway program/camp. well, prestigious but hippy lovely-- Young Writers Workshop at UVA. there i met cappy, jeshka, mandy and many souls. to be in touch with even those three is great. and this post is part of what's been tumbling around in my head, to say, i am so grateful to have been so very fostered for so very long as a girl with words to share. i've always been taken seriously. gosh. never take a rainbow too seriously, though, y'know? /dither
summer03 hippy me cam ho-ing*
nostalgiaeons ago flickr album