Feb 02, 2010 02:32

Name: Neil Dylandy/Lockon Stratos

Occupation: Pilot: member of the private military organisation, Celestial Being.

Religion: Catholic by birth/childhood. Not exactly kept up with it, closer to agnostic really - belief in God Himself might be lapsed but belief in the afterlife isn't.

Blood Type: O

Appearance: 185cm/ 6'1". Brown/very slightly auburn hair, blue eyes. Fairly well-built/muscly. Slight hint of an Irish accent (Belfast, specifically), mostly only if you know what you're listening for, otherwise it sounds mostly generically English. Get him drunk and his Irish accent will thicken again, though, same with if he's spent an extended period of time in Ireland or with Lyle. (He can also do a pretty damn decent copy of most European accents you can name. jsyk.)

Medical Info: Varied scars all over, notably a couple of thick ones on his chest and on his legs. His right eye has a thin network of hypertrophic scarring on and in the immediate area of it, not dark enough to be really noticeable from far away but noticeable enough close-to. All his scars look healthy, as scars go. The ones on his eye twinge occasionally, but it's rare.

Other than his scars, his general health is good - he's fit and strong, although he's lost a little muscle mass from his coma that he hasn't quite gotten back yet (there's a limited about of exercise you can do on the TARDIS besides running from the monster of the week, although he tries). He was pretty muscly beforehand though so unless you knew him well enough to compare, he looks fine. He's already got a lot of it back now he's training so hard on Lagrange.

The only major problem is the aforementioned right eye. Where before he had perfect vision in both, hence awesome sniping skillz....it's actually lost some acuity due to the whole faceful-of-shrapnel thing. If he'd gone straight into a regeneration chamber on his world, it might have been healed perfectly, but instead he aggravated the damage with his stunt fighting Ali and then ended up in another world's regeneration tubes. The eye is fixed and functions fine, but it's not as good as it was. Where he was 97+% accurate before, now we're looking at about 70%, 75% on a good day.

As it currently stands, he is in aggressive denial that it's anything as permanent as eye problems doesn't actually know this. :'D

Notes for the Psychics: ANGER ISSUES. Ahem. Yeah. Lockon's mind is fairly calm on the surface, as a general rule, and still fairly calm and genial on the layer under that too, depending on the topic of conversation. It's the little nub of PURE RAGE AND HATRED at the heart of his mind that's really what's hidden away :'D It's directed at war, terrorism, and there's a healthy dose there for Ali Al-Saachez, even though he thinks knows he's dead. There's residual hatred for the KPSA terrorist organisation there, but it's now mostly directed at the ghost of Ali.

A really good psychic might be able to sense that under that rage, really deeply buried and mixed in with it, there's a whole well of sadness, loss, self-hatred, and not just a little loneliness. But that's god-tier level ridiculously deeply buried.

What's Okay to Mention Around Him: Most things, Lockon's fairly easygoing on! Bring up war and he might get a bit more serious or a bit more pissy if you're speaking out for it, bring up lost family and he'll adopt you into his not!family probably get damn sympathetic and serious up too. Terrorism, murder of innocents, all that good stuff? That's SRS THE FUCK UP AND PROBABLY GET ANGRY territory.

Abilities: He's THE MAN WHO CAN SNIPE INTO THE STRATOSPHERE for a reason, you know :3 Even if he doesn't have quite the same visual acuity as before, he's still got mad skills with it. Other than that, though, he's only got basic hand-to-hand skills and Irish barfight-fu. Give him a knife or a sword and he basically knows POINTY END GOES IN THE ENEMY PEOPLE. Fighting with a beam saber in a Gundam =/= using edged weapons in real combat. I think that's pretty much it; he's still strong by human standards but put next to the likes of Allelujah or Michael that doesn't mean all that much.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/slash/etc?: I am totally up for anything if you just ask me first! :3 As to slash: Lockon's a MASSIVELY OBLIVIOUS DERP as fair warning. He won't pick up on subtle hints very easily at all, especially not from guys. He's not totally averse to slash, being mostly-straight-with-a-side-of-bisexual, as evidenced by OT3 virus. But he really is an idiot when it comes to romantic relationships. Just ask Tieria. Go ahead and try, though. 8D

Maim/Murder/Death: Fighting/maiming/torture/all that, I'm more than totally up for! But pleaseplease ask me first so we can work something out. But I'm totally not against the idea at all, it's more a case of making sure we can fit it into our canonmoving 8D Murder and death.......well we've kind of been there and done that and it wasn't pretty :'D I'd prefer not to have him die if at all possible, but feel free to talk to me about it, we might be able to work something out! o3o

Kissing/Hugging/Badtouch: Hugging is totally fine 8D Lockon's a tactile guy, hugs are welcome. Kissing...depends heavily on who it's from. He's not exactly going to pull a Setsuna on you and punch you in the tits for kissing him, but the better he knows you, the less likely you are to get shoved away in a fit of ashygafhjaf. Prepare for it to come as a complete shock to him even then, though. Aforementioned MASSIVE OBLIVIOUS DERP, check.

Badtouch is the same as kissing, only ramped up a notch. Groping and the like is reserved only for people he's already involved with, etc etc, the bar for jkhfashfjais is a lot lower and more easily hit :'D

And for the record, I'm totally up for any of the above without the need to ping me. Lockon's aifuhsfiaf = amusement for me. >)

Easiest way to get on his good side: be a loli Generally it's pretty easy to get along with him! Don't be dismissive of the lives of innocent people/a terrorist, don't kill people - or at least, don't enjoy it if you have to, the obvious stuff really. He doesn't mind a bit of being a prick, though he's friends with Tieria, that should say it all although some hint of inner dere or goodness is encouraging (prepare to be made something of a project, though. in a good way). He likes people he can have good-natured banter and teasing with, too.

Regarding fourth-walling:
What your character can know: Anything they'd know from watching the show, if they're the type to have done so! aka Gundam Meister, CB, about Lyle, his real name, his ~INNER RAGE~, and about his dead family and the bombing incident. They'd also probably know Neil's supposed to be dead and replaced in S2 by Lyle.
What they shouldn't know: Anything beyond the show, ie my headcanon >w>
Can they mention you're a character in an anime?: PLEASE DON'T ;3; While I think at some point it might be interesting potentially, as a general consensus our cast is against 4th-walling. Feel free to have your character know as long as they don't actually let slip, unless we give the OK in the future. If you're not sure on any of the above, feel free to contact me!

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