Nov 01, 2005 20:50
Things Anna loves:
Emile Hirsch, Lords of Dogtown, The Police, " Im never going to leave this town", Prison Break, O.c, Lost, Jhonny Depp, Americas Next Top Model, My Dog...
It feels good to just say what you love, when there is so many things bringing you down.
November: Stupidest Month Ever!! There are no holidays...and your just waiting for either the snow..or the holidays. Its a gray month..all the leaves are gone..and the frost is starting to kick in. Stupid! STUPID!STUPID!!! I wish we could just skip this month!
Drama: What the flip!!! I didnt even get a flippin comment then my mark is penalized!! Engreyo<----how ever you spell it
Basketball: 2:7 <---enough said ( 2 wins....7 losses)
4:5 <----( 4 games i have participated in...5 i havnt)
Here is a movie a whole heartily recommend----> " The Dangerous Lives Of The Alter Boys"<-and not just because Emile is the main character
Over and out: