worst days evvzzzzz.
ridiculous day.
i got to school and talked to danielle about how they couldn't find out about the glasses. or at least how i couldn't be blamed.
then they called me to the vice principle's office during home room, where i sat for an hour.
MJ comes in and says that danielle told her that it was all me and stuff.
so i was like "oh. well. alright." and i wrote a statement about how i did it.
they called my mom.
she came and stuff.
brought the glasses.
went to circle b where half of my family works and my aunt asks why i'm not in school.
(now, as most of you don't know, my mom's half of the family are almost all fat, nosey bitches who think it's their jobs to save everyone elses' lives because theirs are so fucking "perfect".)
anyway, my aunt and grandmother sit me down, forcefully, and proceed to bitch and moan about how (a) they love me, (b) they want to hit me, (c) they'll get me removed from my parents whenever they want to, (d) they think i'm smart and going down the wrong path and doing drugs and staying out and shit.
all of what they said was such a crock of shit it was almost unbearable.
i just sat in the car for a long time.
went to my mom's house.
we got into a fight and she pushed me into a closet where i hit my head on a metal bar.
then she clawed me with her obsessivly long nails so i kicked her in the stomach.
self defense.
she called it 'raging' on her.
rage isn't a verb.
anyway, i don't feel like going into detail about what happened next.
but i'm back at my dad's house and have cuts and scrapes all over myself.
stupid people.
i guess i'm not going to be doing anything for a while.
and i doubt anyone read this.
but.. yea.
suspended for the rest of the week.
lots of sleep.
allxyourfault: well, if it helps, i threw up a little bit on ms jeffries floor.
allxyourfault: :-)
<3 to kathrym.
that's the picture larry drew. this computer's so fast i just wanted to upload something to see how fast it was.
and that's ms. jeffries. from my perspective.