help - audition advice

May 22, 2007 23:42

I've had my eye on the UMS Choral Union ever since I saw they'd be singing Bach's St. Matthew Passion next season. While I visited their website sometime within the past month (it might have been as little as two weeks ago), there was no information on the auditions. Tonight I visited again and see that auditions are yesterday, tonight, and tomorrow! Ack!

Assuming they'll let me audition tomorrow, I need to come up with a solo piece. I've never had to do that before, and that's where you can help.

The singer should select a composition in any language that best demonstrates the timbre of his/her instrument. The prepared work may be an aria, lieder, or excerpt -- either solo or choral -- from a major work, musical theatre or hymn. In the interest of time, you will most likely perform 16-20 measures of your piece. We advise you not to pick music that tests the limits of your range or vocal technique; rather, bring a work that you can sing confidently and expressively.

I don't have any solo pieces prepared and I certainly don't have any music that requires accompaniment. Learning a piece in time for an audition tomorrow night would probably be cutting it a bit close, though I suppose it's possible.

Options I've thought about:
- An excerpt from one of the pieces we sang in Early Music Choir the other year. I'd probably choose the opening soprano bit from Bach's "Der Geist Hilft Unsere Schwachheit auf" (I'd need to sing this a cappella, presumably)

- A hymn. I could certainly provide accompaniment for this, as hymns are easy to get. I also know some hymns, esp christmas carols, though I'm not sure these would be the best way to showcase what technical ability I have. seems safe.

- Something from the music library. That's a huge selection, and would let me choose something with accompaniment, presumably.

Anyone have suggestions? I'm thinking I'll audition as soprano, since I can project much better in the higher range, but having spent most of my singing career as an alto I'd be open to that too. I don't mind singing a cappella, but I don't want to flout the rules.

Thanks, my friends. :)
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