rolo lamperouge for magicdraft

Oct 02, 2011 19:01

AGE: 25
JOURNAL: lavaliere
AIM/PLURK/EMAIL: marymargravy | laundry |

CHARACTER INFORMATIONSERIES: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
NAME: Rolo Lamperouge (assumed name/alias)
RACE: Noodle Human
AGE: purportedly 16
CANON POINT: Post Episode 18 (before Lelouch lays the smackdown on him)
One of the primary reasons Rolo was chosen to infiltrate Lelouch's life was because Rolo looks very similar to Lelouch's original sibling, Nunnally. With soft brown hair, a slight frame (115lbs), and petite stature (5'5" which is kinda short for CG-world), Rolo looks frail and very young. His eyes are large and a color of violet similar, if lighter than Lelouch's, though they are frequently narrowed in annoyance or cynicism. But the striking part of Rolo's appearance is just how similar he looks to Nunnally. According to Rolo's Wikipedia Page, during the planning stages of Code Geass, Rolo was originally intended to be a half-brother to Lelouch and his physical appearance is designed to be 'a cross between Lelouch and Nunnally'.

Rolo's sense of fashion, however, is lacking. He often relies on Lelouch to know what would best suit him or simply resorts to wearing his school uniform. Any other time, Rolo is often dressed in clothing that allows him to move freely and has plenty of pockets and hiding places for his possessions and weapons. He also prefers shorts to pants to fit into the shota stereotype.

For the most part, Rolo seems like a shy, reserved young man who has difficulties making friends. He tends to have a blunt and brief manner of speaking, sometimes only responding in short sentences. When he is uncomfortable, he becomes easily flustered and reacts without thinking. But this personality is created by and also used to cover up what he truly is. As a child raised to be nothing more than a killing machine, Rolo is apathetic, cold, and disinterested in anything save his missions. In his mind, what's most important is completing said missions and should anyone become an obstacle, Rolo mercilessly removes them from his path. Even those who have overheard something secret or learn things they're not meant to know are killed without much feeling. Rolo is ruthless and feels that any methods to achieve the end of his missions are the best and "most efficient." When Rolo switches sides to join Lelouch's cause, this only changes somewhat in the sense that his drive to complete missions changes to a drive to assist and protect Lelouch. This shows in how he has no qualms with killing anyone in the way of Lelouch's plans or anyone that might come between him and Lelouch.

Despite this dangerous side of his personality, Rolo is extremely devoted to his false brother, Lelouch. The time that Rolo spent with Lelouch allowed Rolo a time of normalcy and happiness that he had never before known. Because of this, Rolo tends to show a softer, more gentle side only around Lelouch. Lelouch's affection becomes something Rolo craves, having been devoid of such attention his entire life. This is accentuated when Lelouch celebrates Rolo's "birthday", the first birthday Rolo had ever experienced. Rolo receives a heart-shaped locket from his brother and this locket becomes a symbol of his devotion and obsession with Lelouch. So much so that Rolo even kills a fellow member of his OSI team for simply touching it. Rolo even reacts in fear to suggestions of his ties to Lelouch being taken away, such as when Lelouch offers to exchange the locket for something "more suitable for a boy."

Because of his strong devotion and love for Lelouch, it's easy for Lelouch to manipulate Rolo into believing he is cared for. Once Lelouch has Rolo under his wing, Rolo does anything and everything to protect Lelouch, their relationship, and their secrets. He follows almost every order Lelouch gives him. In fact, this drive becomes obsessive for Rolo and it shows when he kills Shirley, a young woman who falls in love with Lelouch, in an attempt to silence her when she reveals her once sealed memories had been restored. She then mentions wanting to reunite Lelouch with his true sibling, to which Rolo responds poorly. Rolo even sets out to kill Lelouch's true sibling Nunnally as well, though he is prevented when she is seemingly killed by Suzaku's use of FLEIJA (a nuclear weapon) on the city of Tokyo.

Eventually, Rolo comes to understand that Lelouch is using him, but regardless of Lelouch's motivations and true feelings for Rolo, the young assassin continues to work for his brother and eventually sacrifices his own life in order to save Lelouch. He does this, claiming it to be his own choice, something that he had never been able to make when he was a tool for everyone around him, even Lelouch.

It should also be noted that though Rolo is highly skilled in the area of assassinations, Rolo doesn't tell anyone this (save, maybe, Lelouch). He pretends to be a normal young man, and his apathetic inner personality comes through as someone who is just shy and quiet. Rolo also knows this and sometimes takes advantage of it. But generally speaking, his quiet nature keeps others from suspecting his true motives or nature. The only indication that something about him might be off is that he seems to know more than he lets on.

With these aspects in mind, my intention is for Rolo to be placed in Slytherin with Hufflepuff as a backup. Rolo's ambition is what primarily drives him, this ambition to be the only person Lelouch cares for. And though Rolo shows great sacrifice in giving up his own life to protect Lelouch, this is again an example of his own desires. He chooses to give up his life not just for Lelouch's sake, but also for his own. That being the ability to make his own choices. Furthermore, Rolo is ruthless and cares little for others, usually putting his own well being or Lelouch's well being before anything else, willing to use any means to do so. Despite this ruthless and cunning side of Rolo, he is also truly and unconditionally loyal to Lelouch. As an assassin as well as Lelouch's "brother", Rolo is hardworking and dedicated, putting all his effort into missions or assignments given to him by his brother.

COMMUTER DETAILS: n/a Rolo's affiliation would only be to himself and/or Lelouch.
Rolo exhibits zero interest in sex or romance, showing no indication of attraction to anyone in series, save perhaps his strong obsession with Lelouch. However, since this obsession doesn't seem in any way sexual in nature, it's safe to assume Rolo is asexual.

Rolo has only one "power" of sorts and this is his Geass. Geass is the ability to control others in various ways and even the main character, Lelouch, has a Geass. However, Rolo's Geass differs from Lelouch's in many ways. Also known as the Ward of Absolute Suspension, this ability, when activated by Rolo's will, suspends the time experienced by everyone within the radius of Rolo's choosing. Every person within the "bubble" is essentially frozen, incapable of moving, thinking, or even realizing they're under his power. They have no knowledge of what is going on while suspended and when the Geass fades, it seems as if nothing had happened within the time limit Rolo has his Geass activated.

To some, this might give the appearance that Rolo has the ability to disappear and reappear instantaneously, but this isn't the case. More like while Rolo freezes people, he still moves around, so that when he deactivates his Geass, he appears to have gone from one point to another, instantaneously.

Rolo's Geass has a range that is determined upon activation, and has no known limit. Physical obstacles and electronic/steam equipment are not affected and do not hinder its activation, nor does his Geass require eye contact (like is required of Lelouch's Geass). This allows Rolo to Geass large groups of people, even if he cannot see them.

Translating this to the world of Harry Potter does prove a bit difficult, given the variables that comprise Rolo's Geass, but simplifying it as much as possible, Rolo's Geass works primarily like a petrification curse. By freezing the people involved, Rolo is able to move without hindrance or opposition. Therefore, in Magicdraft, Rolo would be highly adept at preforming the Petrificus Totalus curse, especially Petrificus Totalus Tria, which allows the spellcastor to petrify more than one target. Furthermore, Rolo would be skilled at doing this wordlessly (once he's learned how and has had enough practice), given he gives no warning and no notice when using his Geass.

Other spells Rolo would do well with would be other forms of curses, specifically curses that cause bodily harm like Sectumsempra, due to Rolo's skill, training, and tendency to prefer the use of knives and guns as weapons.


Cedar, 10½ inches, dragon heartstring, supple
Cedar, being a wood that resonates with very loyal wizards and witches. Those with cedar wands are said to be surprisingly and frighteningly dangerous, especially if the people they care about are threatened, often shocking their adversaries as a result. This fits Rolo well, given his secretive nature, as well as his protectiveness towards Lelouch.

The core, being dragon heartstring, lends itself easier to the Darkarts than other wand cores, also fits for Rolo, given that he is hardly a "good guy". His willingness to use any means to achieve his ends suggests he would be willing to use Darkarts, thus a wand of dragon heartstring would fit well with him.

Finally the length and flexibility go well with Rolo's average height, as well as his tendency to bend a bit under pressure. Though the chances of him "bending" are rare and only come under very specific circumstances (such as with Lelouch's manipulation), Rolo is still likely to do what he perceives as easiest for his own safety. Furthermore, Rolo is extremely adaptive, being able to adapt in many settings as needed to complete his missions.

Rolo has a permanent heart condition, caused by and exacerbated by his Geass, which will be treated magically with regular potion intake and care from Madam Pomfrey. This condition, however, will be kept secret.

[ TEXT: ]

[ From some time before lunch period, during his Divination class. ]


Why is it called a war? There are no countries involved. That Ministry of Magic has no jurisdiction over new arrivals. This school should have no jurisdiction over new arrivals either.

And why? Why are those curses called "unforgivable"? Why aren't they taught?

They're the most effective methods available, thus should be used if people here truly are at "war".

Charms class had to be one of the most unnecessary, frivolous, and flat out stupid classes Rolo is sure he's ever taken, aside from some of the more pointless classes he'd been required to take as a "student" of Ashford Academy. Learning how to make someone smile with a flick of the wand seemed like such a tremendous waste of time when he could be applying that to other lessons. Like Transfiguration. Though even at his skill, Transfiguration seemed dumb. None of what he'd learned so far seemed even remotely beneficial to him. They were supposed to be learning how to fight for some man he's never seen, for a world he was not even part of, thus his interest was minimal at best. And if hit weren't for one particular reason, which was sitting just three desks to his left, he wouldn't even bother.

Of course, Lelouch seems bored, as usual. Rolo wasn't at all surprised to see his brother only feigning interest, which was far more than he could manage at the moment. Their current lesson (tickling charms, which he figured might be useful for torture, but he doubted it) had yet to teach him anything other than how to twirl his wand and he'd already mastered that. Lelouch had masted it even sooner than he had (naturally; his brother was amazing that way), so they now had the rest of the period to sit there. And the only other options he had weren't very appealing. He could read, if he hadn't already read all of his course books. Or he could work on homework for another class. What he'd much rather be doing was researching more of the "unforgivable" curses he'd heard mentioned in Defense against the Dark Arts, but any information on those were in the "Restricted Section" of the library.

If only his Geass were active. Sneaking anywhere in the castle would've been much simpler. He didn't even have his knife anymore. It had been confiscated by the head of Slytherin house when he'd attempted to sharpen it in Potions class. It wasn't standard grade, and therefore deemed dangerous and unnecessary. He hadn't even made use of it yet.

Rolo sighed quietly, setting his wand down to bring his fingers to his chest, giving thought to the potion he'd have to take later (disgusting tasting stuff, rendered useless if he tried to add anything to it). But any thought of his heart's condition was soon diminished as the student next to him broke out into loud, obnoxious giggles that seemed unending. Apparently their partner had overdid the charm a little. It was all he could do to not roll his eyes.

Life in Hogwarts, since his arrival, had been peaceful in comparison to Area 11. And if it weren't for the other students, like the one next to him that wouldn't stop laughing, it might have been enjoyable even. But the restrictions really were getting to him. No killing, no spying, no knightmare frames, and no Geass. If there was supposed to be a war, where was it? Because this world had to have the most boring war he'd ever experienced so far.

!!apps, → lobster

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