Oct 14, 2008 00:27
And maybe learning to deal with problems as they arise. Yeah,I havent quite mastered that last one,or honestly come anywhere close. My way? Shut myself in and think about them for a day or two then come to a conclusion only to rethink the whole thing. I seek another perspective on the matter,but honestly its all for naught as most of the time the perspective(s) i search for have no idea whats going on and view me as a lunatic. Maybe I am? I dunno. I(and this is truly just opinion here) think the best way of dealing with problems is to talk about them and find a common ground solution. No one really seems to want to do that. Hence the shut in factor. I dont like sweeping things under the proverbial rug,it's cluttered enough as it is. Yes,while talking about them may make them worse short term,long term it will have great affect. Get it all out up front,see what you have to work with/around and move from there instead of burying it and waiting for it to either go away or pop up later only to be buried again. This is of course provided both parties(well,i say both as the standard,the number can really be infinite) are on the same page about how to go about fixing something. No,I'm not preaching from atop a horse or pedestal,just getting something out there. I currently have no problem to deal with,this is just a back log of getting crap out there. Except with Michelle. I hate you so much. You stole the cookie from the cookie jar. You bitch. =)