Still here...

Mar 09, 2019 17:29

- Hmm, I haven't posted here since New Years. Haven't felt very chatty, I suppose.

- Saw Captain Marvel this weekend. I quite enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say it's in my top three Marvel movies. I am excited to see more of Carol now that her origin movie, so to speak, is out of the way. Just some quick thoughts:

  • The Stan Lee tribute at the beginning of the movie was amazing. Usually the Marvel Studios logo is made up of images of the various MCU characters, but this time they replaced them with images of Stan Lee's various cameos. There was also a "Thanks Stan" after the logo montage. I don't know if they will keep it for all of the MCU movies coming out this year, but I hope they do.
  • The 90s setting made me laugh. As a kid who grew up in the 90s, there was just so much that was so familiar. The scene where everyone is waiting for a CD to boot up on a computer was probably much funnier than it is when you've lived through the same experience. Carol has to ask why everyone is just staring at the screen, so I bet that line is in there for kids who are used to things loading immediately on their phones and iPads.
  • Goose needs to be in every Marvel movie now. I'm still bummed that they didn't keep the cat's name from the comics, which is Chewie, but I guess Disney can't have two characters with the same name. I did read some of the Captain Marvel comics before the movie, so I knew going in that Goose is actually a Flerken, but the reveal that she's an alien is still fun. It was certainly the scene that got the biggest laugh. I wish Carol had taken Goose with her into space, though. Also, finding out that Goose is the reason Fury lost his eye was great. You expect Fury to lose it in an epic fight, but it's even better when you see he loses it because Goose clawed his face.
  • Speaking of Fury, the de-aging of Samuel L. Jackson was surprisingly good. Usually, the actor's face looks a little plastic-y, but I didn't notice any of that. I guess they sunk a lot of the budget into the de-aging effects. You do notice it on Clark Gregg, though, so I guess his scenes didn't receive as much attention.
  • Carol's level of snark is spot on. She has some great lines, but she's not super quippy like Tony. Oh man, there's one scene where an idiot biker tells her to lighten up (which basically translates to "Hey, you should smile more"), and you could just feel Carol suppressing the urge to knock the guy on his ass. Instead, she steals his motorcycle. :-D
  • Much of Carol's backstory from the comic is intact, which surprised me. Mar-Vell is still in the movie, but instead of being a guy, they changed the character into a woman. Though, instead of some weird alien tech that infuses Carol with Kree DNA, you just have her getting hit with a blast of energy from the Tesseract. Yup, Carol got her powers from the glowy cube from Captain America. I didn't quite like this change, since it needlessly ties her origins in the backstory of the MCU and feels like a huge coincidence, but hey, maybe it becomes more important in Avengers: Endgame.
  • And they had footage from Endgame in the mid-credit scene! It's short, obviously, but it ends with Carol meeting Steve, Natasha, Rhodey, and Bruce. Well, when I say meet, really she just appears and asks "Where's Fury?" I'm curious to find out why Carol hasn't aged in 20 years. The only things different about her are the length of her hair and a few new gold accents on her uniform. I wonder if she's been fighting in the Skrull-Kree war for that long. Though, that assumes she never made it back to Earth in those 20 years. Who knows; maybe Carol came back for a visit. I can't wait to see Carol interacting with everyone.

Once again, the latest Avengers movie is out the same weekend as the comic book expo. I have no idea when I will have a chance to see it.

- Oh, and speaking of the expo, they announced Catherine Tate as a guest again. She was supposed to appear last year, but had to cancel, so it's great that she's free to come back. I can finally wear my femme!Ten cosplay for the main reason I put it together: to get a photo-op with Catherine. The expo also announced Jennifer Hale as a guest. She voiced Commander Shepard in Mass Effect, and she's also a pretty prolific voice actor, so I'm super excited to see her. If they got Mark Meer to come back and the two of them did a panel together, that would be so awesome.

ccee, movies, catherine tate, marvel

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