Doctor Who year in review meme

Jul 11, 2007 17:38

Courtesy of
newnumber6 . Because I've gone ten days without discussing Doctor Who. I'm surprised my own self. :-D

1. Nice and easy to start - what was your favourite episode and why?
Either Gridlock or Blink. Gridlock because it had a rare moment of the Doctor actually talking about Gallifrey and remembering what it was like before the Time War. Also, the idea that these people were stuck driving around in circles for years and not knowing why was interesting, too. And Blink because Steven Moffat is just awesome and can turn a Doctor lite episode into something different.

2. Which episode was your least favourite?
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks. The plot just made no sense, especially in the second part.

3. Avoid all the spoilers this year? If so, what moment gave you your biggest squeal of surprise?
I actually did avoid spoilers. I'm rather proud of myself. ;-) The thing that got the biggest squeal of surprise from me is when Professor Yana turned out to be the Master. I had a "no f*cking way!" moment when the line was said mostly because me and
goldy_dollar  put it, Gallifrey story time! Seeing the Doctor talk about Gallifrey was a nice character moment for him and I think David played it wonderfully, both in Gridlock and The Sound of Drums. You can see the longing in his eyes for something he can never have again. Plus we got to see Gallifrey and it's so pretty. :-D

7. And just in case you think I’m getting too soft, which Tenth Doctor bit of mockney, over-enunciating shtick had you most wanting to punch his lights out?
His line to Martha, "Never waste time on a hug." That felt out of character. I mean, he always had time to hug Rose. It shouldn't matter that Martha isn't Rose. Ten hugs people; it's his thing.

8. What did you think of this years Team TARDIS?
I got to like Martha as the season went on and she started to work well with the Doctor once she became a full time companion. However, with Martha's crush on the Doctor, it did take awhile for the two of them to click with me. Bringing back Jack was nice though; helped the Doctor to get out some of his emo feelings. :-D

9. Our Russell, who art in Cardiff…Davies be thy name. But has this last year left you feeling that RTD is still the show’s saviour…or just a false prophet?
Russell T Davies had his moments. I like his episodes when there's character stuff, like in Utopia. I'm of the school that it's the characters who make the show, not the premise or the story lines. Though, I'm happy to know that Steven Moffat will be writing two episodes next season; sounds like they're giving him one of season's two parters.

10. And should - as rumour persists - next year see him jump ship, who should be approached to take over the reins?
Steven Moffat. I really can't think of anyone else, though mostly because new Who doesn't really have a steady bunch of writers. Also, I'm unfamiliar with UK writers and producers so anyone could take over. Or Joss Whedon could take over. I would be fine with that. :-D

11. Speaking of next year, if/when Tennant quits, who would you like to see replace him?
I've always favoured Tony Head. Apparently he auditioned for the Eighth Doctor back when. And they have hired actors who've been on before. Colin Baker had a role before becoming the Sixth Doctor and they seem to do it all the time with the companions. And again, my knowledge of UK actors is limited so they could hire anyone and I'd be fine. Or, the Doctor could regenerate into a woman and then they could get Billie Piper to replace David. ;-)

12. And while we’re still in 2008, who do you reckon ol’ Rusty’s got in mind for next year’s ‘Big Bad’?
He said he'll keep bringing back old Who villains, but all the major ones have been resurrected so I don't know. Evil Alt!Ten?

13. Safe to say the Daleks will probably be in there somewhere - but would you rather they gave Season 4 a miss?
Yes. I didn't mind the Daleks in the first season since it was the first season back, but most times it feels like the Daleks have been overused. The Daleks should take a season off and then come back with a bang.

14. And after the Daleks, the Cybermen and the Master, what will next year’s ‘kiss to the past’ be?
They didn't have too many major recurring villains after these three. I'll say the Sontarans because I'm actually familiar with them. Or they could bring back old companions because 2008 will be Doctor Who's 45th anniversary. They brought back Sarah Jane; I say bring on all the old actors and actresses who are willing, as long as they have a good story to go along with them that is. No special guest appearance just for the sake of a guest appearance.

15. Back to this year - and what Season 3 moment made you most proud to be a fan?
I dunno. The Doctor and Jack having a heart to heart in the middle of a crisis was good. The fact that it was between two guys was nice.

16. …and which moment, er, didn't?
One Year Later reset. I'm glad the Joneses, the Doctor, and Jack got to remember the year that wasn't, but RTD took the easy way out. So far, only BSG has had the guts to go with a One Year Later and not turn back time.

17. Following Bad Wolf and Torchwood, this year gave us ‘Vote Saxon’ as the not-so subtle meme threaded throughout most episodes. But did it do it for you?
This year they didn't have it in every episode so it wasn't overwhelming, like last year with Torchwood. I didn't mind it; with Saxon as the watch word, you knew it was a person so there was an inkling of what it could be.

18. And whether it be a Cornell masterpiece or an RTD farrago, this season’s been resplendent with some fabulous dialogue. Which bit have you most found yourself quoting in polite company?
I've found myself tapping out the Master's drum beat on tables. Does that count? :-D Actually, I don't find myself quoting Doctor Who.

19. What rating would you give this year's finale compared to the previous finales?
I didn't like this year's finale as much as last year's. 6/10 for this year, 9/10 for last year and the year previous.

20. Finally, sum up Season 3 in just five words (expletives notwithstanding).
Hmm... Hot guys playing Time Lords. ;-)

doctor who, meme

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