Good news for Supergirl fans. Bad news for Agent Carter fans.

May 12, 2016 18:06

First off, TV show renewals and cancellations:

- Well frak. ABC has cancelled Agent Carter. :-P Damn you! Please move the show to Netflix. I need more Peggy in my life.

- Incidently, ABC also cancelled Castle, which is a good thing since the show was going to suck without Beckett around. I wonder how they'll end the show. I read they filmed an extra scene just in case they didn't get a pick-up. Hopefully no one dies.

- Thankfully, Supergirl got renewed for another season. And it's moving to the CW! Crossovers galore! I think the show is also moving to Vancouver to take advantage of the low Canadian dollar. Makes sense. The Flash can do weekly wonders with a CW budget in Canada, so Supergirl can now follow suit. Now they just need to figure out how to incorporate Kara's world with Earth-1.

Moving on to general TV show thoughts:

- So Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. did have a reference to Captain America: Civil War.

Actually, it was quite a significant reference. The Sokovia Accords aren't just mentioned; they end up being a big problem for the Inhumans. I didn't quite catch what the newsreader says at the beginning of the episode, but it seems that the Accords weren't just created to govern the Avengers. The Accords also force enhanced people to register with the government, which brings in an element from the Civil War comics. I suppose it was a way to address a sort of plot hole from the movie. Since the movies aren't aware of what the TV shows are doing, it's always up to the TV shows to fill in gaps. In this case, dealing with the issue of the Inhumans and how everyone knows about them, though no mention is made of them in the movie.  Since there are all of these powered people running around and the public is freaking out about them, placing them under the Accords as well acknowledges that the world governments are trying to deal with the hysteria.

But now AoS will have to deal with the idea of whether the Inhumans should register or not. Is this going to lead to a small screen Civil War? At least the writers made an effort to tie in the movie with the show. They easily could have just had the news report at the beginning and left it at that.

So which team member is going to die? The promos keep hyping a death. The fact that pictures of Elena and Joey are also included leads me to believe that it's going to be one of them, since they're not main cast members, but who knows. I'm worried that it's going to be Mack. Elena just gave him her cross and that's the same cross floating around in zero g before the spaceship or missile or whatever burns up in Earth's atmosphere. Please, don't kill Mack. He's a great character. Kill off Zombie!Ward if you must. That guy needs to stay dead. Or kill Lincoln. He has zero chemistry with Daisy. The whole thing with him wanting to escape isolation to be with her totally fell flat; I was so glad that it turned out to be a ploy. You don't need to shoehorn in a relationship for every character. It drives me nuts.

- Kevin Smith's episode of The Flash wasn't bad. I don't think I've ever seen any of his movies, so I don't know what his directorial style is like, but I didn't feel like the tone was out of place. There was a tad more humour, but given the situation, you can't help but joke.

Like, zombie Girder. Oh my god, I laughed. Not because zombies are a far fetched concept for The Flash, but because the actor who plays Girder was just on iZombie playing, you guessed it, a zombie. I wonder if the writers saw his performance on iZombie and were inspired to bring him back for this one episode. Greg Finley certainly has the zombie walk down.

As for Barry being stuck in the Speed Force and conversing with it, um, sure, why not. He comes back with a sense of clarity, and maybe more powers, and I'm sure that will serve him well in the finale. I'm not totally on board with Iris being Barry's love interest again. First off, it comes out of nowhere. Before a few episodes ago, we had no indication that Iris' feelings towards Barry had changed. Secondly, the two actors don't really have a spark. I know I keep going on about chemistry, but sometimes it's very important if you want to sell a significant relationship. If the writers take their time, I guess I'll be less bothered by it, but please don't try to force something that isn't working (*cough*Laurel/Ollie on Arrow*cough*).

Oh, and now Barry's dad is sticking around because he finally realized that abandoning his son immediately after being freed from prison was a stupid idea. I'm sure this means that Henry dies a horrible death at the end of the season. Why else would you bring him back? Unless John Wesley Shipp is joining the main cast next season? Hmm, maybe Henry does die, but the Man in the Iron Mask does turn out to be Earth-2 Henry, so you still have the actor around but in a different context.

And Jesse got speed powers and Wally didn't? Or vice versa? Or they both got powers? Jesse was in that coma, but that could mean very little. Ooh, maybe Jesse becomes Kid Flash.

- Oh, there was something from last week's Arrow that bugged me.

At one point, Diggle makes his escape on a motorcycle while carrying his baby daughter, Sara. Only, Diggle ends up carrying her on his back. But there are armed men shooting at him from behind! Wouldn't it have made more sense for Diggle to carry Sara on his front? More protection in case they crash and no stray bullets hit the baby. Poor baby Sara. She's going to have a very complicated upbringing.

- The description on my PVR for the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow started off with the words: "Rip and Rory..." I'm sorry. I instantly pictured Rip and, well, Rory from Doctor Who. If you must, please refer to Heat Wave as Mick and not Rory. But this also gives me a germ of an idea for a Doctor Who/Legends of Tomorrow fanfic.

tv, agent carter, agents of shield, legends of tomorrow, the flash, arrow, supergirl, castle

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