And it's completely done! Approximately 20 feet of multi-coloured garter stitch.
I had to take it for a test wear, just to see how it would look, and whoa, this thing is nuts. I always knew that the season 16/17 scarf was long, but you really can't appreciate just how long until you wear it yourself. And this thing is 3 feet shorter than the actual scarf. My friend is slightly taller than me, but the scarf is still going to be dangerously close to the ground. This is totally the type of thing you would only wear at cons.
I ended up using 19 balls of yarn. It sounds like a lot, but I didn't use up some of the balls, so they'll carry over into my next commission.
So this took what? About two months and a week? Just think; it took me about the same amount of time to make my scarf last year and that one was only 11 feet. Now I just need to deliver this to my friend and then she can proudly wear it around somewhere. Preferably a place with clean floors and no puddles.