A somewhat productive November

Dec 01, 2011 17:45

I'm writing a bit of an epic right now. No clue if this fic will ever see the light of day, but I've been plodding away for a few months now. Because of said epic I didn't even consider doing NaNoWriMo this year, but I did keep an eye on my word count for November. At the beginning of the month I was hovering around 75,000 words and last night I reached about 107,000 words. That's about 32,000 words for the month. For an unofficial NaNoWriMo, that's pretty good. Over half. Not as impressive as my first year where I did 50,000 words in 15 days, but factor in that I was playing Dragon Age 2 pretty heavily up until a few days ago and it's nearly a miracle.

I didn't even try for daily quotas, but I did keep with the philosophy of trying to write a bit every day. It helped that work was suddenly super slow and I could write discreetly. Actually, that's probably why I ended up with such a high word count. It offset the hours lost while playing Dragon Age 2. And writing is better than surfing around on the Internet when there's nothing to do. I sound productive, with all the keyboard clacking.

It's strange, but my productivity always seems higher when I'm at work. Less distractions maybe. Or maybe it's the opposite. There are lots of distractions, like actual work to do, but I want to write instead and that procrastination gets the creative juices flowing. It was like that when I was going to university. Writing was a lot easier when I was doing it to put off papers and whatnot.

I suppose you could say I'm getting paid to write. It's not my fault if there's nothing to do. ;-)

writing, nanowrimo

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