More vampires, werewolves, and ghosts than you can shake a stick at

Jan 24, 2011 21:01

This is so weird. Being Human UK and Being Human US are both airing now. Coincidence or brilliant marketing?

I watched the US version of Being Human last week, figuring I would give it a shot because it's shot in Canada (Montreal to be precise). I don't know, it's hard to judge the show from just one episode. All the elements are there, but it's just not the same. I think it's because the three main characters aren't a unit yet. Being Human UK sort of showed Mitchell and George moving in with Annie but by the time the intro was done, they were three, loving flatmates who got along wonderfully. The US versions? Not so much yet. Maybe once the three characters gel, the show will get better. Right now, I'm just not feeling it, and that's the whole point of the show. It's these three people - a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost - sharing a house and trying to live somewhat normal lives. It doesn't work all the time but they have each other.

I don't see why we need an American version of the show. What new spin can you put on it by setting it in Boston instead of Bristol?

Right now, Aidan is still Mitchell. He's still the vampire who's trying not to give in to his bloodthirsty urges, he's still being hounded by the leader of the local vampire gang, and he's still the voice of wisdom in the group. There's nothing new yet, besides Aidan being a nurse instead of a porter. I'm not sure what else you could do with the character. There are tons of vampires in TV, movies, and books trying to make amends for their evil ways. How do you make it refreshing? Maybe the show will; who knows.

Josh is pretty much George. Hapless with women, super smart, and very insecure. They've given Josh a gay sister and that might be an interesting storyline, if one assumes Josh doesn't rip his sister to shreds by the start of the second episode. I don't get why the boys' personalities are the same, but I suppose it's not fun having a geeky vampire. ;-)

Sally isn't Annie, though, from what I've seen so far. Annie was a bit flighty, but determined and she sort of mothered the boys. Sally is just whiny right now, probably because she can't leave the house or more anything. I'm sure she'll learn how to move things and be seen as the show goes on. But she's kind of the annoying little sister. I wonder if they've decided to keep her fiance as her murderer. It was an interesting twist in Annie's story and they wouldn't have introduced Sally's fiance if he wasn't important.

I think I'll keep watching Being Human US just to support the Canadian aspect of it. I'm hopeful the show will grow on me.

Now, Being Human UK. The original and still the best. After last season, I really hope the show gets back to its roots, i.e.: the main characters. Last year they drifted apart and the show was very grim. And now they live in Wales! Barry Island, I think, is what Mitchell said. But I'm finding it very distracting. I keep seeing locations Doctor Who has used and actors who have appeared on Doctor Who. My thoughts were pretty much, "Look, it's Leadworth Hospital, look, it's Rhys, look, it's Gwen's police station; where's PC Andy?" I keep expecting a crossover, but I know I won't get one.

It's nice that Annie came back from Purgatory in the first episode. I don't think I could have sat through an entire season of the boys trying to rescue Annie. Though, it's a bit odd. Annie rejected Death and Death just lets her go? I guess it's all part of a plan, like how Mitchell is going to die. But at least we got to see everyone happy again, even if it was only for a few minutes at the end of the episode. Loved how Annie just slips in and pours George his tea. That's Annie. And they moved Annie's chair from the old flat to their new place. Aw, that's cute. But werewolf vampire hunters? I assume they'll meet George and be all outraged that he lives with a vampire. And then Herrick will show up and cause trouble. Maybe the werewolf vampire hunters will kill Herrick for reals this time.

Maybe this a good sign, but Toby Whithouse is listed as a producer on the American Being Human, so maybe he'll steer the show right. Let's hope this doesn't turn into another US Life on Mars.

being human, tv

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