Apr 10, 2009 10:45
I consider myself a very open and laid back person. I've got faults, but we all do. I like to think all the faults I have, I'm aware of, and that I choose if they are heinous enough that I need to end that behavior. I'd rather people were upfront with telling me if I'm doing something wrong; with the intent that I can fix it. Or that I can tell you "Nope, sorry. That's just how it is." Either way, all parties can move on.
So here's the invite: You reply to this post with whatever problems, concerns, or comments you have for me. If you want to post it in your name: Cool, maybe we'll even talk it out. If you want to post anonymously: Fine, I promise not to try to track you down and confront you. Even if I do figure out who you are, I promise to not confront you or discuss that.