So... I know pretty much everyone who reads my journal probably already knows about this one, but,
salia_chan and I are in need of a new roomie.
Dire need.
Like, *end of the month* need, if *at all* possible.
If you need a place to move to in California's Sacramento area, or know someone who does, please drop an email to me
here. Furthering that...
If I *don't* get a roomie by the end of the month. I may have to call in some monetary help. -_-
I *think* I can manage two-thirds of the rent and still survive for a month between my paycheck, what my parents give me per month, and what I can save that's left of the last paycheck I cashed. But, if
salia_chan doesn't come up with her full rent, I'll be *fucked*. In which case you may see me asking for help... If you'd be willing, should I do so, and can set something aside in your budgets as a "just in case" thing, I'd be much appreciated. I'd definitely pay back *anything* loaned to me, you have my assurance on that. I hate asking for help like this... but well. I don't have much choice. -_-