(no subject)

Aug 04, 2005 00:52

I don't really expect myself to sum up all of my summer in a livejournal post. There is no possible way I possibly could do such a thing, but lets start off by saying... I thought nothing could beat last summer. This summer I have not sat one FULL day doing absolutely nothing. I have not stayed at my house morning until night. Not once. I've either worked, or been with my friends.

Even when I work I'm with my friends. My manager has turned out to be pretty much the most badass man I know, and he's got the best humor I could want in a manager. I'm scared I'm not going to see Nathan in school. Same with Amanda. I'm going to miss Jackie, Claire, and Kevin when they go away to college.... so much. I'm so lucky that I have a job that I enjoy working so much. Sure... its work, and sometimes I really really wish I didn't have to go... but ultimately... I love it more then I hate it.

And lets take a minute and talk about my friends outside of work. I know this is going to go WAY past a minute because I have way too much to say about them. I have never laughed more, or felt so deeply attached to some of my best friends. I have never felt so loved, and appreciated around any of them. Its rooted deeper then anything I've ever limited myself to in Franklin, Tennessee. In Franklin, everyone is using everyone else to stay alive. They are using each other for breath support. They don't know what its like to live on thier own, and to have thoughts for themselve. They don't understand life outside of the security of mom and dad and the subdivision president. I didn't either. I didn't understand that there was something else out there for a looong long time. Look at me. I'm scared of minorities. I have the biased thoughts that if I look at a black person wrong, he's going to take it upon himself to rid the world of someone as stupid as me.. but Brandon lives in a neighborhood that has seen driveby's. Fieldstone farms doesn't even know what a drive by is. Brent lives across the street from the halfway house... and yet... they aren't scared. Thats strength.... well, to me it is. I couldn't peacefully sleep across the street from a graveyard, let alone child molesters, and murderers. The first time I went to Brents house my heart was beating about 3872 times a second. I was scared. I thought that at any minute some mexican man could jump out, slash my tires, and steal my car. How stupid of me to think that. I know so little about other people. I'm so close minded, and stupid. People aren't as terrible as I credit them to be. My friends have taught me more then I thought I would learn this summer. I can trust my friends with my life. I can trust my friends with my future. Fuck you if that sounds lame.

And when I'm talking about my friends, I mean my true friends. My friends that won't back down on me because one of their friends hates me because back in 8th grade I didn't hook her up with some boy. My friends that won't say shit about me in school because it makes others laugh. My friends that will keep secrets if I ask. My friends that fucking blow everything anyone else considers "friendly" out of the water. My friends that don't talk shit to anyone that will listen. My friends that will listen to the stupidest music, and watch BET uncut at 3 am. My friends that will go and sit downtown with me and a guitar and see how much money tourists will give us. My friends that won't judge me because they understand that everyone a fucking hypocrite, and if you can't handle that then you have no place on the most hypocrital planet in the solar system. My friends that will kiss each other. My friends that will laugh about anything. My friends that will take pictures of their stupid faces, and not use some sort of filter on photoshop that will make them look hot. My friends that will write love letters and love them. My friends that love. My friends that will tell me to be careful even though they KNOW I'm one of the most careful people in the world. My friends that will play barbie dress up. My friends that will do anything around each other. I love my true friends. My true mother fucking friends until we fall over dead. Whether it be my sister, Zombie fest elite, or anyone else.

Anyways. Now summer is almost over, and I'm not going to have free reign over Nashville, Tennessee anymore. I'll have to spend more time around where I'm supposed to be living, and less time around where I want to be living.  I'll have to actually... do homework (!!) and be at school at 7 am. No more sleeping till 2, and then going wherever I so please. No more going to every single show I can get my grimy paws on. No more buttloads of hardcore. No more "Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in... oh wait... 3 days."

I'm going to miss my drives into Nashville, and being bombarded by Brents mom to get something to drink, his quarter covered bedroom floor, his metal sayings, his hip hop beats that he always turned up for the 2 seconds before we left, his couch, and mario carts, and fireworks, his amazing computer that I would always steal and create away messages on. I'm going to miss it.

I'm going to miss walking into a crowd, and being jumped on in 50 different directions. I never thought I would feel so surrounded by the best people ever, but I love walking up to a show or something, and hearing my name. Then hearing my name in a different direction. Then another direction. I love every single person who's said my name this summer. I love each and every person I've spent more then 5 minutes with. I love every person I've met, and every person I've been introduced to. I've gained some of the most wonderful friends that I hope never to ever lose.

I've had some of the best times. Taken some of the best pictures. Had some of the heartiest laughs. Picture time bitches. This is from ALL summer. I may have put some up before, but I just don't know. I just don't. I can't keep up.

 bff. thats all that needs to be said there.

 crackheads and drugdealers.

 "i don't know what they do up in Canada, but here in America, we do NOT walk around with our pants around our ankles."

 Little Wynona with a can of spray paint and some stencils on a sunday afternoon.

 The metal GOD.

 I still love trackers.

 best friends go to toys r us for 3 hours.

 look at the little baby!!!

HAHAHA. sexmatthewsex murders me sometimes. ZF.

 TOO cool.


 runnin from zombies.

 thats what real men do.




 sistersister beat down.

 real friends play barbies.

 we can keep our eyes open.

 we cuddle.


we are infinately cooler then anyone who has ever step foot on the parthenon.

and we. are just plain cute.

so there we go.

my summer > your summer

sorry it ended up that way. maybe next year. no. just kidding. you have noooo chance.

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