Dec 31, 2004 18:08
Well the new year is upon us....let's set off fireworks!!!! After all a good year should come in with a bang! So wish you all a happy new year be careful driving home.(you know with all the partying going on);P
On another note my tummy still hurt from the insitions.(tear)
Im also still on a Phontom of the Opera high. Im reading the book now and its really good. And just more proof that Raul is a wimp the first time he sees the phantom he faints!! Pansy......-.- And just wondering how many of ya out there are Phantom fans? And if you aren't one question how can you not be?! THe song "The music of the Night" is gorguose!!! (Gotta love a guy who can...)and one more question how many of you nearly cried during the Phantoms reply to "All I ask of You"? It was sooooooo sad!(tear):(
Ok..... that settles my need to rant for the day....on a last note.............